Chapter 13 :)

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                                                                              NIALL'S POV

I saw Ave with Liam! So that's why he wasn't there! he was with my ex! Seriously? She breaks up with me today and then an hour later she hooks up with one of my best friends. I must've been staring because Zayn followed my gaze and said: "That's cold! i'm going over there to teach both of them a lesson!" I wasn't really listening, so I didn't stop him. He came over to Liam, yelled at him, then punched Ave! I rushed over and said "Zayn! What are you doing?!?!?" Avery was bleeding around her jaw, so she started crying and shouting 'Ow!' Luckily the house was near Nando's, so i brought her to our house i really stepped on it, so we got there in five minutes. (Louis's, Harry's, Zayn's Liam's and My house) I brought her to the bathroom, got a warm washcloth, and started dabbing the blood off her face. 

I was still mad si i asked "Why were you with Liam?"

:"Oh, he wanted to comfort me, so he asked if i wanted togo to Nando's, as friends, not a date," She replied. She saw my 'yeah right exxpression' so she said "Niall, you know I still have feelings for you, and i'm not that cold that i would get a new boyfriend an hour after i broke up with you," I said nothing. 

                                                                                  AVERY'S POV

I got punched in the face, and it feels great! (Sarcasm is dripping from every word in that sentence,) Zayn punched me, and i guess he doesn't know his own strenghth, so now i have a bleeding jaw and a black eye. My mum heard and came over and asked a million questions while fussing over me, and she called my dad, and he went into major papa bear mood, ugh! As if my day wasn't terrible already. So now Dad's coming, and is probably going to hurt someone. Oh dear Lord help me! 

Well Dad just came, and mum had to hold him back from  attacking Niall.

"STOP, DAD!" I shouted, though it hurt to talk. My dad stopped resisting, but mum still held on to him. Good idea, mum, you never know wiyh Papa Bear.

"Jake, please talk it out to this young man before you jump to conclusions," Mum said

"Fine, Celine, but only because Ave used to love this man," Dad said,

Uh, STILL love this man I thought. my dad took him out of the room to talk.  

                                                                             NIALL'S POV  

I was nervous as Jake brought me into a bedroom to talk in private

"Are you Niall?" he asked. 

i gulped then said "Yes, sir,"

"oh, Please call me Jake, but i want to ask you a question, why did you break my  baby girl's heart?"

"actually, sir, i mean Jake, She broke my heart, she was the one who broke up with me,"I replied,

"Ah! But you flirted with another girl, so that's why she broke up with,"

We started arguing about that, and that's when things got ugly.

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