Chapter 15 :)

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I bought a bunch of things at the mall, mostly clothes and other girly stuff, then went home. I had a text:

TO: Avery

From: Dad

When are you coming home, remember i was the one who got custody.

I sighed and texted back

To: Dad

From: Avery

Dad, i don't plan on coming home soon, I am still angry with you, and I don't flacking care who got custody of me, I am seventeen and I feel I am old enough to choose who i want to stay with every night!

I pushed the send button, then texted Liam.

TO: The Brain

From: The Awesome Avery

Hey Liam, how was recording, and Ash and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.

I sent it, then went downstairs and saw mum in laungerie.

"MUM!" I shouted

"What?!" She asked "Oh my goodness, Avery, I thought you were going to your Dad's today!" She said, surprised, that's why i stayed in this,"

"Yeah, mum, I also heard your little 'session' last night, are you preggers?" i said

"Oh, right, I was going to tell you, yes, I am pregnant, me and Dave wanted one of our own, so we decided to do it." My mum said.

"oh," I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I walked back to my room, hiding my tears.

When i was in the safety of my locked room, i burst into tears. I've heard these stories, one of your parents get remarried after a divorce, have a kid, and forget about the one they already had from a different person. I also was an only child, and I wanted it to stay that way. I don't want to be the forgotten child who has to sleep in the attic because the new kid gets their old room, I don't want that! I want to be remembered! I started bawling more loudly, when suddenly my ringtone for Nialler, which was Give your Heart a Break, came on. I picked up the phone, and clicked talk.

"H-Hello," I said shakily.

"Hey, babe, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine, but why did you call me babe? We're not dating anymore! Get over me, ok!" I snapped.

"Ave, are you sure you're ok?"

"YES!" I shouted angrily.

"Ok, you are not ok, me and the guys are coming over," He said. Oh crap, i have to warn mum and tell her to change.

"Mum!" I yelled "Yes dear, she said, coming up, "The boys are coming, you might want to change,"

"Crap! Thanks, sweetie!" She said and moments later, she was in her pink silk pjs.

The boys were over shortly after that. I was in my room, sitting on my couch, (My room was as big as pretty much a small house. it has a couch, t.v., small refridgerator, anything you can think of,) My couch is facing the wall oppisite of the door, so i didn't see them come in, i didn't hear it, either. Soon a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who!" said a cheerful voice. Louis.

"Hazza?" I asked. I heard Hazza laugh. He was by the doorway.

"What? You should know our voices by now!" Louis whined, hands still over my eyes.

"Oh, relax, Louis, I was kidding, I knew it was you," I said, laughing.

"Oh, phew, I thought you were serious," he said, uncovering my face. I stood up, turned their way, and was greeted by hugs. I still felt the electricity with Niall, and that will never change.

"So, Niall told us that you were angry or upset earlier today," Louis said.

"Oh, yeah, guess what?" I said.

"What?" they all shouted in unison.

"My mum, Celine, is preggers!" I said.

"Really?" Niall asked

"Yep, I heard Dave and her, erm, doing it this morning, and then I went shopping with Ash, then when i got home, i found her wearing laungerie, and she told me she was pregnant," I said.

"Ok, and that's a bad thing, why?" Liam asked.

"Wellllll," (I know, long well,) I started "You know what happens in books and movies, like how the one biological parent and step-parent have a kid together, and then they completely forget about the other first kid, well, I am afraid that that will happen with me," I finished.

"Oh, Ave, don't be ridiculous!" Harry said "Celine loves you alot! I know how she goes to your dad's an hour early because she wants to see you! She will never forget about you! The baby will barely change your relationship with Celine!" he said, hugging me.

"Let's hope so," I said

"Aw, the stuff in books and movies barely ever happen in reality," said Zayn, "you've got nothing to worry about, love,"

"Well, once i read a book, and it was based on a true story, and that happened to the author. It was an autobiography i had to read and do a book report on for literature class,"I said, tears rolling down my cheek, Harry, who was still hugging me, let me go, and held my head up so my eyes were looking into his, and said "Your parents are better than that person's, you understand?"I nodded. I used my sleeve to dry my tears. Niall came over to me and hugged me, "Don't worry," he said "i'm sure the baby will give you much joy."  

Author's note- Demi Lovato's Give your Heart a Break because that's her ringtone!!!!!!!!!

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