Chapter 32 :)

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"Avery, dear!" My mum yelled

"What?" I yelled back

"Dinner!" Wow I didn't even know she was here, let alone cooking. I walked downstairs and saw Mcdonald's.That isn't like her. She hates fast food.

"Mcdonald's?" I asked

"Oh, yes, I didn't want to cook tonight," She said. I sat down and she gave me a cheeseburger. Cassidy had a happy meal and was playing with her toy instead of eating. I saw Sadie eating dog food from a new diamond studded bowl set.  I took a bite from my cheeseburger, and I loved it. I mean, i love my mum's home-cooked meal, but sometimes i need grease, seriously.  I finished my cheeseburger, and started walking to my room, but I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door, and I saw Louis, going insane.

"HELP! I NEED CARROTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in my face.

"Woah, Lou, calm down," I said

"BUT I NEED CARROTS I'M ALL OUT AT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!" He said, nearly pulling his hair out.

"Lou, i'm sorry, but we don't have carrots here. My mum's allergic to them," I said. He screamed and said "Aw, poor thing! That's terrible!"

"Why can't you just go to the market?" I asked

"The boys took the car to the movies, but I didn't want to go, and now i don't have my babies!"

"You call your carrots your babies?" I asked

"Yeah, I also name them. I ate Cecile and Justin today, they were the last ones in the bag," He said. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him like he was insane. "I guess I can bring you to the market," I said. "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!" He said and gave me a huge bear hug. I was gasping for air when he finnaly let go.  "Let's go!" He shouted and ran towards my silver slugbug.   

Author's Note- Hey guys, I'm sorry for the short chapters, but It's summer, and I'm usually busy so I can't upload. Sorry! First one to comment get's a dedication, yadda yadda, fan me, more yadda yadda. So, yeah, i'm gonna shut up now, peace out girl scout(s)!

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