Chapter 31 :)

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"Gosh, ave, this all happened so fast! And what about my baby? How am I going to raise 3 kids and a huge dog on my fucking own? I will have to send the baby to Dave's house every other weekend, and gas costs a lot of money, I will have to pay for your college, which luckily I have some in your banking account, I feel like it's the end of the world!" my mum said, sobbing. I hugged her and patted her back, and said "Things will get better, don't worry," but i wasn't so sure myself. I went to my room to get some sleep. An hour later i was awaken by someone saying "I'm scared, can I sleep with you?" It was Cassidy. Sadie was sleeping on the floor, which had really soft carpet. "Of course!" I said. She climbed in and fell asleep immediately. I slept peacefully until 10:00. Cassidy and Sadie must've already woke up. I went downstairs to get something to eat, and saw a note on the refrigerator.

Hey Sweetie, if your reading this then your up. I decided to adopt Cassidy at the orphanage and bring her shopping for toys, clothes and what not before i apply for the job. I will be gone with Cassidy for most of the day. You are welcome to use the computer or newspaper to look for a job. Remember to bring Sadie out, even though Cassidy insists she's house-trained, i want to be safe. Good bye darling, see you soon!                          -Mum 

I smiled at the note. Mum was so sweet. It makes me wonder why Dave left her. She was beautiful, and had a great personality.I looked at Sadie who was staring out the door. Our backyard was perfect for a dog. It was fenced in and was very big. The fence also made our house look good. The color of the wood (light brown) complimented our white mansion beautifully. I opened the sliding glass door and let Sadie out. She bolted out the door. She picked up a stick and ran with it in her mouth. She was so cute. She was a golden retriever, one of my favorite breeds. I let her back in, and went to the study and turned on the computer. I looked for jobs in downtown London I might want. There was an opening for a book store, dance studio, and a Nando's. I decided on the Nando's. I decided to drive there now and apply for the job. 

 I arrived at the Nando's and saw Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall. I waved and they waved back. i went to see the manager. I talked to her and said i had no experience, and amazingly I still got the job. She must've been desperate because she asked if I could start then. I said sure, and she gave me a hat, apron thingy, and a nametag. I wrote my name, put the hat on, then the apron thingy, and pinned the nametag on my apron. She told me to take people's orders, since it was busy, and there was only me and another girl named Clare, One  Direction's orders were not taken yet. I walked over and said "Hey,"

"Hey," Louis said confused i laughed and said "it's Avery, I just got a job here," Louis laughed and said "I can't believe I didn't recongize that pretty face of yours." 

"Can I start off by getting your drinks?" I asked. Harry said "I'd like a Cherry coke please," I wrote that down and Louis said "Can I have the same?' I nodded and wrote it down. They all ended up ordering the same drink. I went to the counter and filled up five glasses of Cherry coke. I brought the drinks to them and said "Are you ready to take your orders or do you want to wait?"

"Now!!!!!!!!!" Niall said. I laughed and said "What do you want?"

"Just get us all the peri peri chicken." Said Louis. I nodded and then about ten minutes later I brought them their food. They then left when they finished, and I cleared the table and took other people's orders until my shift was over. When my shift was over, I went home and saw Cassidy passed on the couch with the t.v on. Of course, Spongebob was on, Spongebob was probably Cassidy's favorite show.I saw Sadie on the ground, and she too was passed out. I went to the kitchen, where mum was making dinner, and told her about my day. She was thrilled that I got the job. I was thrilled too, considering I didn't think I would get it, since i had no experience. I left mum alone and went up to my room and started watching Cake Boss. It was a rerun, but I didn't care, I was in a good mood. I wonder how my dad was doing in America. I decided to call him.

Ring! Ring!

"Hello?' I heard him answer/

"Hey dad!"

"Oh, Avery! Hey sweetie! I miss you so much!" 

"Me too! Do you have a job yet?"

"As a matter of fact, I do, I am the head surgeon at St, Joe hospital in Indiana!" He said. So he moved to Indiana, huh,? I told him everything that happened, until his break was over and he had to remove someone's appendix. I said bye and hung up. I miss him so much.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note- Hey guys! I have a feeling that this story will be pretty long, considering I'm on Chapter 31 and still have tons more to write. I am thankful to all of my fans and readers! The first person to comment will have the next chapter dedicated to them, and  I promise I will upload more often! I know, I've been getting lazy!!!!!! Sorry!!!!!!!!  Remember to check out my other story. It is not a fanfic, but i think you'll like it! it's called Don't Forget Me. But you don't have to read it if you don't want to!!!!!! it was just a friendly suggestion!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I am gong to end this unusually long author's note... Now! Wait, no, one more thing! Comment, Vote, and fan (only if you want to)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace out, Girl Scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) <3 I am extremely happy and hyper to day!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!! :)

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