Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Later that night, I sat in bed and began to think about what I was going to do for Lilly when she leaves for college.

I knew she loved to party so maybe she would like a going away party with all her friends?

I get out of bed, getting a notebook so I can plan when to have the party. She leaves in a week so maybe on the Friday night.

I begin to write the people she always mentions. I started with Mike and the list just went on.

I probably spend at least an hour planning with the names, colors and possible places before my mind begins to drift. I didn't know if  it was because he helped me or not, but I always found myself thinking of Sebastian. Maybe, it was because he helped me, but one thing I knew was that I was beginning to think about him... a lot. And I hoped that I didn't start to like him.

I felt an ache in my head so I put my notebook on my bedside table and turned off the light before I fell asleep.


The week was slow, but I knew that it was because I was excited for Lilly to see the party.

Sebastian had been speaking to me a lot more, his gang was always around and if there was a problem, he was the first one there.

I invited a lot of people, even Sebastian and the gang too.
  "What are so excited about?" Lilly asked and I shrugged. She was getting her nails done which was enough time for everyone to get here and for me to get everything prepared.
People began to walk in as the music began to fill the room.

Once everything is done, Lilly walked in and squealed loudly.

"My god!" She beamed and smiled at me.

"This is what you were doing?" She asked and I nodded my head. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

"I love you" she bounced.

"I love you too" I reply before she pulls me into the floor.

I feel a pair of eyes watching me. I look into the eyes of Sebastian's . The speed of my heart began to threaten.

I disappear to the restroom, pushing my hair past my shoulders and looking at my outfit. Tonight I wore a Jeans and a off the should top exposing just one shoulder. I felt a bit uncomfortable but did it for Lilly. My hair was in loose Bun and I had minimal makeup on.

I walk back out and immediately bump into a hard chest.

"Sorry" I squeak and Sebastian smiled at me.
"it's okay" he returned the smile.
"I better look for Lilly" I say, breaking the awkward eye contact. He clears his throat, looking away from me.
"Uh sure. See you around" he says before he walks away. The butterfly's that was often a theft in my stomach so flew away.
No matter how much I wanted to stay and talk to him, this was a party for my best friend- I wasn't going to see her for a long time after so I wanted to make the most of seeing her tonight.

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