Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Faint voices echo through the halls as lift my body from the couch. I could hear the familiar voices whisper as if they didn't want to wake me. My instinct is to lay back down.

" So That's the plan ?" Biker replies.
" what are we going to do with her ? She's to much of a timid to work with us."
I can hear the sigh of Sebastian as I can just picture him running his hand through his hair.

"She will go back home. There is no other choice. I already talked to her parents and told them she was hanging with some new friends for a while. But now she can return. It's best she doesn't get caught up in this shit anymore."

"Hell no. We could use her ! They already used her as bate now she could turn it back around on them and get revenge."

" I said NO! Got dammit she doesn't need to get caught up in anymore shit ! "

"yes I do."
The shocked faces that whipped toward me was laugh worthy but I didn't budge 
"Good morning." Sebastian announces.
" I want to help. I want revenge ."

"Well that's just to bad." Chloe laughed off.

At this moment. I had a change in Attitude. I am no longer anybody's push over. Why do I have to take any shit? If they can do it so can I.

" No it's not to bad I'm going to help. Rather you like it or not."
Sebastian's head dropped to the floor. I could feel the heat lift from his body and the radiation of the room gave me chills.

" Your going to do what we say. And we say your not doing anything bitch." Asher mentions.

Within a few breath like seconds I lift my foot up between his long legs, wrap one hand around his neck, and twist his hand . Once his head bounces off of mine he hits the floor in one flesh move . I take advantage of that and put my foot on his chest.

" I am NOT your Bitch."


His attempt to rise. I go down in a swift move and put my knee into his chest with one hand on his neck.

"Try me." A grin appeared on my face. Once I noticed his muscle relax I dust my self off while rising.

I turn to look at Sebastian's shocked expression.

"Uh-um can I talk to you for a second please?"

" why not?" I turn to give Asher a quick look before walking into the nearest room and Sebastian shutting the door behind him.

"Where the hell did that come from?"

" Forced karate classes ."

"Look are you sure you can handle this? This isn't a normal fight. It takes patience, silence, fighting, and many more things sympathy."

"I know it won't be easy. But I can't keep being everyone's bitch."

I suddenly have a flashed urge to grab Sebastian's hand. And I do.
Looking into his eyes and him looking into mine I sit there and take a deep breath preparing myself to give in.

"All my life nobody has fought for me. Including myself. The one girl who attempted to make my life as easy as it could get is buried six feet under ground rotting by the second." Tears begin to rise in my eyes and goosebumps flare on my skin.

" I can not continue to be everyone's door mat. I want to be a better me. Let me help you in this. I want to get back at them just as you want to. So let me help you."

Looking down at my hand a tear drop escapes my eyes.
Sebastian lifts my chin up directing me to look at him and I do. Our foreheads meet, our hands conjoin and we sit There like this for as it feels a lifetime.

* Hours later *

"So that's our plan ?"

"No doubt about it." What sounds like Sebastian's voice replies.



I am excited to start something new with these new friends. Excited to finally just let go. Maybe things don't have to go back to being the same as my past. I don't have to live with the scars of old memories. I can be free. Free with new people.
Maybe I will find what I've been looking for, for so long.
And I will start by being a new me. And fighting this fight with fighters.
I'm going to be a new sympathy and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Because
In the end Lilly would be proud of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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