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AN: Hey loves! It's SpecifcallyWritten I hope you are enjoying the chapters! Please supports us and follow, vote, also comment opinions! We read each comment !

The emotion that ran through my vains wasn't disappointment, it wasn't  sadness, and it damn sure wasn't fear....

The remembrance of Sebastian punching him gave my now migraine a sensation. The pain was gone and my eyes achingly shot at Marcus.

There was no sound. And I didn't blink.. He didn't say a word.

Marcus wore a smirk on his face that I hadn't seen in so long, a smirk I wished  Sebastian could come and wipe off of him.

"Surprised ?" The echo of  his feet bounced off of the scraped, broken down looking walls. He took a few steps forward with his hands gripping one another behind him.

Marcus appearance gave me shivers that ran coldly down from my ears to my toes.

" Disgusted." I reply as coldly as I could.

"I wouldn't start off on a bad note. Your going to be here for a while."

"You think so ?" I tried to be confident, but the rush and thoughts inside pushed me to an urge of disbelief. I have a very bad feeling I'm going to be here for a very long time.

"I know so. I have a feeling you know that to sweet-"
Before that word could leave his mouth a thumped  forward  in my chair allowing the mixed feeling to show in a very un recognizable way.

"You bastard! Don't you use that word!"

Within seconds he was sitting before me.

"Feisty huh? Your going to have a very, very-"

He took his cold fingers and traced my face , moving my hair to the side.

"A very what? I'm already in hell you bi-"

His smile grew wide.

"Well, hell done froze over beautiful." 

All of the windows where opened. I saw nothing but trees, I heard the crawls of squirrels on trees and mosquitoes in the air.
The breeze made me shiver and I shook.
The sudden thought of me escaping was pushed to the back of my mind.

"I'm heading in now boss!"

A tall bald man stepped into the room I was in and tapped my chair to the wall. I sat watching him tape everything possible he could over and over again.

" And what about my mouth ?."

"One, don't talk to me, Two you need that to eat, and three."
The bald man giggled

"No one would hear you all the way out here. Scream all you want and you'd do nothing but piss off boss."

Where the hell am I?

"To eat ? Where is my food?" The sensation of the word made my stomach crawl.

The man left the room. Only to return with a sandwich that was bitten off of.

I glared at the man who was smiling and chewing as if he was just enjoying himself so much.

"Take a bite"
He placed the sand which in front of my face.

I took a bite of the sand-which. Placed my eyes right on the mans lips, and I watched the bread leave my mouth and bounce right off of his disgusting face.

"You bitch!"
The noise of the glacé plate breaking off the walls made me jump but I sat with a smirk. While he left the room to handle his business.

Tears started to escape my eyes within seconds.
I don't want to be here. I want to return home to my room. Reading in my bed, Visiting Lilly...Does anyone even recognize I'm gone?

Sadly.. these thoughts of me being here forever would be cut short..very-very soon.

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