Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Lilly is gone. I feel as if I will never have anything to do. I don't want to attend school ever. Now I don't want to even watch my favorite movies, because every time  I've watched them. I'd been watching them with Lilly.

Looking at my phone I'd noticed a text from an identical number that was in my laundry from Lilly's going away party.

Sebastian- River road, 7pm Wear black.

Reading the text. My theft of a smile overtakes my face. It was very in expected. I decide not to reply pushing my phone aside.

Why does he choose me?

Should I go?

It's around 5 so if I'm going I should probably get ready.

What will we do?

Where are we going ?

Well I have nothing else to do. Frankly this is the only boy in our school who has ever spoken to me. I will go.

Why on river road? That's were richer people live. That's the first richest neighborhood. Mine is the second which leaves me curious.

Placing my warm feet on the wooden floor rushing shivers up my body. I go into the bathroom taking a soothing shower still with my thoughts on Sebastian.

Exciting the shower I wrap my towel around me. Happy for the fact I did not wet my hair. For I'd washed it yesterday.

Going into my closet I remember the message which told me to wear black. Within around 15 minutes I had chosen black jeans with rips on each knee,Black combat boots, a black shirt that has a tea pack on it and said 'T-Shirt' After dressing I put my hair into my normal hair style a messy bun in the middle of my head.

Soon I grab my phone checking to see it is 6:40. I  soon start walking down to river road which was only 5 minutes away but took 10 for walking.

When I arrive I see no one standing there. I stand against the pole patently waiting. Looking at my screen it read 7:00pm exactly.

Sighing I start to turn around only to be pulled by the arm and my mouth to be held shut with the other hand. My heart beat speed sped, my blood pressure began to rise I could feel it.

Soon I came to a stop in a near by dark alley. It was very dark outside and all I could see was several figures. Soon someone let me go, kicking a street lamp causing it to flicker on.

My eyes landed on Sebastian who was coming up to me, and the gang standing in front of me.

"Scared?" I heard Chloe say causing everyone to burst laughing.

"Shit,Shut the fuck up!" The bad boy flickered. The deep tone of his voice frightened me.

"This is Chloe,-" Before the bad boy can Continue I utter out.

"I'm aware." Sebastian smiles.


"Alright ass holes, Asher you take the basement, Chloe your with her,Luke bed rooms,Joseph living room, Lidia kitchen, Biker safe. You guys have 10 minutes tops. Hit it!" Sebastian finishes before the giggles I heard in the back ground fade and the doors of the truck slam.

Putting the pieces together of what there doing raises my blood pressure.

"You okay sweet cheeks?"

"Yeah, Sure ." I stutter out.

"How come you showed?" Looking over a Sebastian sped my heart beat, and caused butterfly's in my stomach.

" I don't know."

"Don't walk here on your own. I thought you owned a car." Sebastian's grin eased his words.

"I won't be walking anywhere again. I'm getting my car very soon."

"Am I safe to say your nervous around me sweet cheeks?" Looking into his eyes I gain confidence to be sarcastic.

"what makes you so confident?" Sebastian's eyes flicker into a more comfortable, passionate look. Which scares me to a full point.

Before Sebastian could continue the Alarm of the house Shocks me.

There robbing a house! I'm just sitting here chatting... there robbing a freaking house! Oh my god we're going to jail!

Before I click back into thought the gang loads the car and the wheels of the trucks screech.

"Dude we got loads! We're going to have enough shit to last us through this year, although we already have most this stuff."

We soon pull up into the driveway of a beautiful home.

Oh God there robbing another house?

Before I know it everyone unloads the truck laughing and talking. I follow everyone into the house only to realize it's there home.

I am very surprised. The house is much smaller than mine but still considered a mini mansion.

Everyone begins drinking and partying leaving Sebastian and I to sit on the black sofa that sat in front of what looked like a 75 inch tv.

"This is us." Sebastian says with his grin still plastered on his face.

"You can hang with us tonight for a bit, but no questions.if you need to piss it's that way." Biker says daggering his command at me. It wasn't really in a mean way however. He is interrupted with Lidia kissing his lips and then walking Away still attached to one another.

The night was very interesting for me. I began very nervous but it seemed to be very comfortable. I had so many questions inside. I wanted to spill them out I refused to break any rules that were set.

I relaxed in my bed thinking of all that had happened this night.

'I just spent hours with the bad boys gang.'

'All seems to like me except Biker and I feel Lidia.'

'How can they live in such expensive house?'

' Don't they have families?'

Before going home I sat talking with Chloe, they gave me there numbers and I did the same. We all watched a movie. Except for the couple who I hadn't seen since they went off kissing a bit ago.

I smiled at the thought of tonight. However I can't hang with them? They just robbed a house....

Tonight was a good night

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