Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

"When I was younger. I was placed in an orphanage. My mom was killed by... someone, and my dad I don't know. He is still alive somewhere maybe. He is a good for nothing ass. And I hate him forever. Hes a drug addict, and a drunk who cares for know one. I don't expect you to trust someone like me sweet cheeks... but I do want to be someone who you can come to." He looked into my eyes daring for a reply. I smiled.

"These people... there everything. We met and ran away together in the orphanage. There was no place for us there. Most times I think there isn't a place for us anywhere."

"There is always a place for someone Sebastian."

"Yours can be in my heart." Sebastian employ's and we both laugh breaking the silence the was going to flood around us.

Out of that I stop laughing and we lean back looking at the star's as we where before.

"Just so beautiful." The words of praising the sky escaped my mouth.

"Thanks sweet cheek's you havent seen my best yet."

A smile over came my mouth. He just always made me smile.

"I mean the sky, look at it...." I start.

"It just tells a story for everyone. Everyone view the story so much different. It just depends on the path your taking in life you know?"

Sebastian looked at my with a twinkle of wonder in his eyes.

"What do you see?" The question was asked... I haven't been asked this question ever before. Although I have to people this. The only person who has asked me what  I have seen was... Lilly.

" What I see is confusing. It like I am still trying to figure everything out. Like the picture in the sky for me is exactly finished. I check the sky everyday. Sometimes there's more clues, and others there is nothing... or even maybe it is the same as the day before. I'm just not sure yet. "

I breath out a sigh.

"What about you?" Sebastian's eye brows furrowed.


"What do you see within the starts of the sky?"

"Hmm, I see puzzle peace's.... Or maybe, maybe an equation. When I was younger, I use to watch the sky's stars sometimes I would see an equation and the answer still wasn't there. Or sometimes the entire side of a puzzle was missing. Although I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'm just missing something in my life... maybe"

My eyes teared hearing what he had just said.

"Maybe.." I reply.

Sebastian had turned to look at me. My cheeks blushed red and butterfly's threatened in my stomach. He leaned closer, I leaned closer. Soon before out lips joined I stop stepping into reality. I stood clearing my throat.

"Mhm, we should probably get inside its getting a bit chilly and late."

There was an emotion in his eyes. Something about the way his eyes has changed emotion confused me. For I had never seen him look this way.

"Yes, I guess we should."

I laid in bed, as he had just walked out of the room. I couldn't sleep....i just couldn't.


"Oh shut up! I love him! Titanic has me caught each and every time! If I cant watch it often then ill have to divorce my husband."

"Shut up lilly! Your crazy plus your not married to him.... I am!"

Lilly took the pillow she was leaning on and chucked it toward me causing me to feel the ruff fabric of sparkles to rub against my face.

"I hate you!" and there we where having a pillow fight.

"Hey ladies get down here! Dinner is ready!"

"Okay!" we both yell. Although we where both almost out of high school we still acted as if we where 5 again.

Walking down the stairs I see mike. Lilly walks up to him.... Only her outfit was changed to a red dress and blue jean jacket... her hair was up and she was wearing heels id been with her to get weeks ago.

"LILLY NO!" Before I knew it she has been slapped by mike, and her bed slammed against the glass, and then the floor.
It was like I wasn't there, like they couldn't hear me!

Soon, before I could blink my eye. Mike was on the floor of his home choking down pills.

"WHERE IS LILLY!?" I choked out a cry.


"SWEET CHEEKS!?" I heard a familiar loud, but calming voice yelling at me. I plopped up like I had risen from the dead.

"Your okay now, you where having a nightmare." I looked around to see the entire gang around the bed. Different emotions scattered the room. Embarrassment over took my face. I wished I could just disappear.

Soon everyone left the room. Sebastian and I where sitting on the roof top again, the night was still awake. I was now staring at the sky.  We agreed not to talk. Not to engage... but just to enjoy the flutter of the silence.

"Do you hear that?"

Again his eye browns furrowed.

" The silence... It's so loud."

And for that we laid there staring at the sky for I don't know how long before our eye lids closed and I slept.

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