Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Sebastian POV:

"Why is she here?"

"Don't be horrible Biker"

"Is she okay?"

I took a sip of the beer in my hand before slamming it down on the coffee table. 

"Enough!" I say loudly, but not loud enough for Sympathy to be woken up. 

I watched as all the bickering stopped, and I felt someone's eyes narrowed when they looked at me- Biker. 

"She is here because I want her to be" I start, "she has had a hard day so don't you dare even think about being an ass to her!" I say to everyone. 

I knew everyone of this group could be dangerous.  And I wanted no harm to come to Sympathy. 

"Well, you wouldn't let Joseph's sluts in" Biker says and I felt my blood boil.

"Babe" Lidia protests just as Luke rolls his eyes. 

"You know that's different, mate. Sympathy isn't a slut" Joseph says. 

"Why don't you like her?" I ensure there is no anger in my voice. I don't want to argue with him. 

"It's not that I don't like her... I just... I have no reason to trust her" he says and I couldn't exactly argue. 

He didn't have a reason, but I did. 

"Then trust me" I say, "she is different and broken, Biker. We have all been there before and had each other. She has no one" I say  and I saw a look of guilt flash in his eyes before it disappeared. 

I gave him a small smile, just so he knows I'm not mad at him before I down my beer. 

"We have a few things to discuss tomorrow" I say, they all nod before I make my way upstairs to check on Sympathy. 

When I walked into my room, I saw Sympathy sat up in my bed, facing away from the door. 

"Sleep well, sweet cheeks?" I ask, leaning against the door. 

I restrain myself from laughing when she jumps up from my bed and turns around. 

"Oh, Sebastian!" She exclaims looking shocked. 

"Yeah" I smirk. 

"How did I end up here?" She asked confused. 

"Oh, I saw you sleeping so I drove you here" I say and she nods, yawning. 

"Are you tired?" I ask and smiled when she shook her head. 

"Climb up" I say simply after climbing onto the roof. I pull her up when I see her struggle and move so she has a space sat next to me. 

Sympathy POV: 

We sat on the roof, Sebastian's arm was over my shoulder as we both leaned back. 

The stars twinkled above our heads, the sky was lit by a moon and I couldn't stop looking at the sky. It was so beautiful.  

"I'm sorry" Sebastian says lowly. 

Confused, I turn to face him, only to see his eyes were closed as he breaths out. 

"What for?" I ask, looking straight ahead of me. 

"I know what it's like to lose a best friend" he murmurs. 

For once, I didn't see the cold, annoyed bad boy staring back at me. 

Instead, I saw a vulnerable guy. Who looked as broken as my heart felt at losing Lilly. 

"I'm sorry that happened to you" I say lamely and he gives me a soft smile. 

"So, how did you meet the others?" I ask, genuinely curious. 

"We all have known each other forever. Things began happening and I began to act out" he says letting out a shaky sigh. 

"What things?" I ask and he freezes, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked" I say and he let out a breath. 

"It's fine, Sweet" he says quietly, "there will be a time I can talk about it. But right now, the truth is ugly, too ugly for you to know" he whispers. 

I frown, feeling more confused but I don't question it. 

Instead, I accept Sebastian's warmth and rested my head on his shoulder.

The more I tried to stay genuinely shy... the more it ran from me. I felt comfortable. Very, Very comfortable.

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