Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

*Third person*
I... I can't believe you killed y-your girlfriend and your child!" Hatred was heard in Sympathy's voice as Mike listened to the voicemail she sent him, "that's right, you asshole. She was pregnant. And you killed them" Mike could clearly hear how Sympathy began to sob uncontrollably down the phone.

"Sweet cheeks" he heard Sebastian comfort her and he felt the aching pain in his chest. He didn't have anyone to comfort him because he killed them.

Mike threw his phone against the wall and watched it smash into a trillion pieces.

"Fuck!" He crumbled to the floor, his heart breaking.

He never meant to kill her. He never meant to hurt her at all.

His eyes burned as tears continued to fall.

He don't know how he got there, but he ended up at a bar.

"Tough day, eh son?" The bartender leaned on the bar, handing Mike his drink.

"You could say that" he muttered bitterly, clenching his fist.

Not even an hour later, Mike stumbled out of the bar and into  his car. He almost fell over his own feet.

With everything being fuzzy and hazy, he felt everything spinning before he was jolted forward.

He noticed he bumped into a tree, the front of his Car was crumpled.

"Shit!" He sobbed when he realized he was okay and not injured.

He cried into his hands as he stumbled home.

He grabbed a pill bottle and began to write a letter to Sympathy.

Mike felt that she had to know how bad he felt.

He put the letter next to the now empty pill bottle. The pills were in his hand as he sat on the floor, against a wall.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, achingly.

And then, without any hesitation, he swallowed all the pills in his hand. He used water to chase them down, before he slowly began to see black.

Sympathy POV:

"Sweet cheeks" Sebastian mutters, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on the top of my head.

"She's gone, Sebastian" I whimper, many thoughts of Lilly and I laughing, smiling, singing, hugging flashed in my mind making me cry harder.

"I know, sweetheart" he whispers, surprising me by leaving a soft kiss on my forehead. "I know it's hard but she wouldn't want you sad" he murmurs, looking into my teary eyes.

"I know but it's hard" I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I know, Sweet" he murmurs, his arms tightening around my waist.

Sebastian holding me whilst I cried actually made me feel less lonely.

It must have been an hour later when he got a call.

"Hello?" He asked quietly, aware he is in a hospital. He glances down at me and gives me a soft smile with an arm around my waist.

"I'm with Sympathy" he mutters, "no.. I can't" he adds. "No Biker, I said I can't make it! You guys go without me" he says firmly. "I'm not going to argue with you about this, I'll see you later" he says before hanging up.

"Do you need to go?" I ask quietly, feeling numb.

"No, I'll stay if you want me to" he says, his voice barely audible unless you were very close to him.

I nodded and he gave me a sad smile before kissing my head again.

It was early hours in the morning when I headed home. My mother and father were away for the weekend as their anniversary was coming up and I didn't want to tell them what happened as their weekend would be ruined. Also, it would probably wake them up and they deserve a decent nights sleep.

Sebastian was giving me a ride home, and when we sat in the car outside the hospital, I took it as an opportunity to thank him for everything.

"Thank you for being there tonight" I say quietly, my voice was hoarse and I noticed he gave me a small smile.

"It's okay Sympathy. I've  had the same thing happen to me and I know that the worst thing is being left on your own" his words were filled with sadness and his eyes were glazed with it too.

"How did it happen?" I ask timidly.

"Car crash. He was like my brother" he says. "I'm not going to lie, it doesn't get better, it won't anytime soon. So know that I'll be here for you,okay?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Thanks" I smile before the car was filled with silence. Not really an awkward one but more of a comfortable one.

"Where are your parents?" He asked, eyeing my empty driveway.

"Away for their anniversary" I say, "Want to come in?" I ask and he nodded, saying 'sure' before we walk into mine.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'm just going to get in something more comfortable" I say and he nodded, sitting on the couch before I disappeared upstairs.

I wash my face before putting on some grey joggers and a black top, I also put in some fluffy socks before letting my hair down- since I was getting a head ache.

"If there is somewhere you have to be, you can go" I say softly and he smiled shaking his head.

"No, Biker invited me to a party but it's fine. I would rather be with y-...helping you" he smirked and I felt my cheeks warm.

I'm glad he stayed, he helped take my mind off of Lilly- especially when he said he would rather be with me than my friends.

There's a whole in my heart, it's bleeding bad...For some reason Sebastian makes me feel as if he is Stitching it up.

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