Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

"Time to get up" My mother says, loudly knocking on my door.

"I'm up!" I groan, my hands go to rub my eyes. I stand up, stretching slightly before walking into the bathroom and take a quick shower.

Once I've showered, I brush my teeth before putting on some dark blue high waisted skinny jeans with an oversized hoodie. I brush my hair before putting it into a high ponytail.

"Morning mom, dad" I smile, when I walk downstairs. Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought, surprisingly. I mean, Lilly had gone but she had texted me this morning saying she has settled in well, also, I was spending a lot of time with Sebastian and the gang and enjoyed it.

"Morning sweetie" Mum smiled as dad was sat at the table. My dad just looked and smiled, though I knew he wasn't really a morning person.

I put on my black and white high-top converse before I grab my bag, phone and keys.

"Bye!" I shout.

"Bye love you!" Mum shouts back. I say a quick "I love you too" before I begin to walk to school. I had to leave earlier since Lilly usually gives me a ride but she obviously wasn't here.

I arrive after a few minutes.

I walked in and felt extremely lonely. Usually, right now, I would be talking with Lilly about something, I thought as I entered the school.

"What's with the frown, sweet cheeks?" Sebastian asked as he began to walk with me.

"Nothing" I shrug, "why are you here early? Eager to get to school?" I ask and he raised a brow at me.

"If you must know, sunshine, I was just about to help the others pull a prank" He says and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Of course" I say and he chuckled at me, shaking his head.

"NOW!" I faintly hear someone shout from far away.

"That's my cue, sweetheart. Meet me for lunch?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sure" I smile and he nodded before jogging in the opposite direction.

"Um, are you and Sebastian a thing?" A girl asked when I turned back around.

"No" I say honestly, walking around the girl and to my locker.

"Are you sure?" She asked, putting her hand on her hip.

"Yes, I'm sure" I snapped, "even if we were, it's none of your business" I add before I walk away.

"I was just wandering" She snapped back and I didn't reply.

Instead, I went to my locker before going to lesson.




When it was 2 minutes until lunch, I saw Sebastian standing outside my lesson. I wasn't even sure how he knew what lesson I had but I didn't question it. Instead, I asked the teacher to use the restroom.

"Can't you wait two minutes?" She asked and I shook my head. She excused me before I walked out.

"Hi" I smile when I leave the class.

"Hey, where you going? Class hasn't ended yet" He says and I shrug.

"It's only one minute, come on" I say and we begin to walk down the corridor.

"You're ditching class?" I didn't know whether to laugh or be offended at his tone.

"It's hardly ditching when there is one minute left" I laugh and he rolled his eyes before opening his car door for me.

"Thanks" I smile and he returned it.

Lunch went surprisingly quickly and Sebastian drove us back.

"Thank you for lunch" I say softly. It surprised me that someone was so kind that wasn't Lilly or family.

"No worries sweet cheeks" Sebastian smirks, "better get back to lesson, it starts in one minute" he adds and that's all it took for me to get out of his car and rush to lesson, ignoring all the curious looks from his gang.

Sebastian POV:

"Where did you go?"

"are you together?"

"do you like her?"

Questions were thrown at me as soon as I opened my car door.

"chill, I just took her to the café. We aren't together" I say and purposely avoid the question of me liking her.

"Well why are you doing this then if you aren't even together?" Lidia asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know" I say honestly, it was all still a mystery to me.

Our conversation was cut short when my phone beeped with a text.

Unknown: We're ready to meet you. How much did you say, $10,000?

"Come on" I say to them, "we have business to take care of"

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