Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 :
I turn around only to face a man with a gun pointing directly at me.

"Don't move!"

Lidia smiles but is looking almost past him and doesn't say a word. In Seconds I spot biker standing outside of the door with his bat. Lidia doesn't say anything.

"You're a horrible guard are you getting paid for this?"

"Shut up bitch" bikers face instantly turns beat red but he doesn't move.
He holds his fingers up 3 at a time.

"Turn around." Lidia grin grows.

I can feel the vibration on my feet as he thumps against the floor.

I am soon escorted to the car. Still not in sight of Sebastian. Everyone treats me with pity and I can't stand it.

"Stay here. Don't move or leave. If the door is opened the alarm will go off we will come to you." I nod in agreement. Happy inside to see them after so long. I'm happy to see the face of anyway besides the assholes in the cabin.

Asher walks to the car and opens the trunk. I smell a great flush of air which smells similar to pizza.
" we figured you'd be Hungary."
I hadn't realized how Hungary I was until I smelled the satisfaction of the box sitting on my lap.

I'd been sitting in the car for over 20 minutes now. My stomach full but my thoughts scattered everywhere. I tried to think of a way to exit the car maybe I could sneak around back and find out what's going on inside.

I look through the glove department box and I found a set of keys. There where multiple buttons so I clicked each until I heard a beep.

Opening the door my footsteps quiet and shallow I go to the opposite side of where I was located in the cabin.

It was so silent. Only the echoes of unseen creatures filled the air.

"NO!" I heard someone yell finally.
" I'll be damned if my work is wasted again.. I have searched for you for years now and I want what I have been looking for you dirty bastard."

After days at a time I can finally hear his voice.
It was shallow and very quiet.

"The things my father has done has nothing to do with me! I hardly know him ! You must take that up with him."

"Your punishment begins with you if this doesn't go through.. Get me what I want or every week you will be attending a different funeral. The only one you won't be attending is your own. I will leave you to watch everyone you love beg for help and crumble in regret of ever meeting you."

I hear movement in the room. Soon there is a knock against the floor and I hear the echo of a scream flood my ears.

" there are 7 bullets with each of your names on it-"

The man is cut off by the sound of Luke's voice.

"Wait who's the 7th? If it isn't Sebastian?"

My heart drops into my stomach. I turn around and make my way to the truck as fast as possible. I didn't want to hear it...

I don't want to know what will happen to the 7th person or who it will be.

I sat in the car inpatient. So much has been going on I can hardly believe this isn't a nightmare. I still can't understand why these things happen to me.

It was only 5 minutes before I saw the gang leaving the cabin. I hadn't noticed Luke and Chloe.. where were they?

Sebastian looked so handsome. I hadn't seen him in a very very long time. His shirt was dirty and so where his pants. His shoes in decent condition, but his face above all else brought tears to my eyes.. everyone had a scar or a scratch, but him he has a bruised eye a swollen lip and he looked drained . I have never seen him this way. And I never imagined I would.

"Hi sweetness-"
He is interrupted with a hug. The time of me being here helped me understand a lot of things and on my bucket list one thing I do know Is I had to hug him when I saw him.
"Thank you." I whispered.
Biker and Lidia where in the truck talking and giggling like nothing had ever happened.
I was motioned to enter the car by Sebastian.

" I will explain everything when we catch up with Chloe and Luke .. that way we can all have a talk."
He held his arm as if there was something wrong with it. I placed my hand on it only to be shocked with the appearance of red. My eyes locked with his and I couldn't be more positive he heard my heartbeat.

"Don't worry about it it's just a cut." I had no choice but to trust him. I knew he wasn't okay.
I knew a lot had been going on. I knew that he knew I am exhausted and that I looked a hot mess. I smelled like a trash can that'd been sitting in the sun for decades.

One thing I knew more than anything... Sebastian was my hero. I couldn't wait to get to where we were going to hear what was going on . But right now I just wanted to live in the moment of floating down the blank road under the moon in freedom.

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