Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Sympathy POV:

With my hair up and in a messy ponytail, I ran out of the door.

Late! I'm going to be late for school!

I begin to run, and I'm thankful when I arrive just in time.

I stop running just before I reach the school gates, and take a few deep breaths before I walk in.

I head to my locker and see an unfamiliar boy stood there, staring at me.

"Sympathy!" He gasped, running a hand through his brown hair and his blue eyes Shimmered with recognition as he stared at me.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked politely as I could.

I saw his face drop and immediately felt guilty but I felt myself smile when the name "Noah" came from his mouth.

"Noah!!" I yelped before attacking him with a huge hug.

I can't even begin to explain how much I've missed him.

"You haven't changed one bit" he whispers, hugging me closer.

I felt someone staring and when Noah and I pulled away, I saw Sebastian staring. There was a look of hurt on his face before he masked it and walked away.

"So how have you been?" He asked.

I begin to get my books from my locker as I begin to tell him that I haven't been the best.

"I heard about Lilly" he says sadly but I couldn't blame him.

Noah, Lilly and I used to be the best of friends.

"That's why I'm back, actually" he says and I smile.

"I'm just glad your back" I say honestly.

He begins to walk me to my first lesson but I noticed how everything was... normal with him.

With Sebastian, I felt on top of the world. I felt happy and excited and when I was with Noah I felt normal, like my regular self.

"I'll meet you at lunch?" He asked and I nodded my head. He smiled and gave me one last hug before going to his lesson.

I sit down in my seat and see Sebastian and the gang walk in, along with other students.

"Hi" I smile at Sebastian as he sits down next to me.

When I don't get a reply, I look up to see him clenching his jaw.

I frowned as he got up and stormed out of class, with out saying anything to me.




Lessons seemed 3 hours long when they were only an hour. And I knew it was because of the deep hurt I felt when Sebastian ignored me.

He hasn't even been in.

I sat with Noah at lunch and was recalling all the good times we had.

He asked me who Sebastian was, since apparently there was someone who told him that we were pretty close so my reply came as "a friend" though I don't know what we are.

When the end of the day came, I couldn't be happier. It was all so boring and I honestly couldn't wait to go home and chill out.

I've been stressing about Sebastian.

My mum and dad stern looks was what I was greeted to.

I know they knew that Noah was back, they never liked him. In fact, his parents didn't like me or Lilly either and demanded we stay away from each other.

I never knew why though, his parents never told him and my parents never told me.

"I know that you know Noah is back. I'm telling you this for you, Sympathy. Stay away from that boy!" My fathers voice booms in the empty living room. His voice held authority and I knew that I had to listen. Or, I could pretend that I stay away from him.

"Whatever" I huff, walking straight upstairs to my room and locking the door.

I put my phone on charge before changing into some sweatpants and a hoodie and falling asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.


I snuck out the door, making sure to be as quiet as possible before heading down to the café down the road. 

"Hey Sympathy" Noah smiled brightly when I went entered the café. I noticed he already had a coffee and got me a hot chocolate. 

"Hey Noah" I smile, I sit opposite him after giving him a hug. 

"How are you?" He asked with a smile. 

I told him I was good and returned the question. But something, well someone, caught my eye. 

I saw the familiar black hair and hypnotizing brown eyes that was filled with irritation before he stalks off down the road. 

"Sorry Sympathy, I really got to get this" Noah smiled apologetically and I smile. 

"It's fine" I say before I get out my phone. He walks outside and is on the phone and I call Sebastian. 

He had been ignoring me, and avoiding me. I didn't know why. 

"What?" He picks up on the fourth ring. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, "Have I done something because you've been avoiding me" I say honestly. It felt good to just tell him honestly. 

"I... it don't matter. Have a good day with Noah" he snaps before hanging up the phone. 

I pull the phone away from my ear and glare at it. Stupid boy. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Noah laughs, "you were glaring at your phone" he adds. 

"I'm fine" I smile fakely, "continue with what you were saying" I say before he continues to tell me what happened when he left. 

I couldn't really concentrate, I was too focused on trying to figure out what I've done to make Sebastian hate me.

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