Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Sympathy POV:


I always loved silence, it gave me a sense of peace and always made me feel at ease. This silence, however, was the worst. It was a deafening, ear splitting silence that I would do anything to get rid of. My arms felt numb from being tied for god knows how long. My eyes ached, my head was thumping and I knew it wasn't long before I give up on waiting for someone, anyone to help me. I wanted to get out. Being in this room made me learn a lot. Maybe I should tell my mum I loved her every chance I get. Maybe I should have told Sebastian I liked him. Now, I never could. I would never be able to have a boyfriend, or have a life at all. They want me locked up in here until I tell them everything. I didn't know exactly what they wanted me to tell them, but I'd do anything to get out of here.

I'd tell them anything I know.

My head snapped up at the sound of a branch snapping near the window. It was dark out. I began to count the days I was here, this was the fifth day and that didn't even include my first day. I felt myself becoming weaker. I felt as if the days were longer and the nights were shorter.

"Hey handsome" I hear the familiar voice of Asher as she giggled loudly. Like she wanted someone to know she was there. I assumed she was talking to the guard near the window. He makes sure I know how pathetic I seem trying to escape. "Hey Lyd, look at that hot guy!" Asher says loudly, giggling slightly. I knew there were two guards by the window, they take turns watching every few hours.

"You are cute!" I hear Lydia giggle slightly.

"What are you girlys doing here?" The guard asked, "how did you find this place" he adds.

"We saw you the other day at the store and I knew you were too hot to not speak to. So, we saw where you went" Asher says, "What do you say handsome? Want..." she is cut off and I hear noises, as if someone is kissing.

I wanted to shout for help but my voice betrayed me. Lydia was dating Biker and now she was kissing the guard who was supposed to keep watch of me. Asher was here too, she was the nicest of the group but I had no clue why she was kissing the guard. I thought they were loyal.

My door was bolted, footsteps paced outside the door before they got quieter. Maybe no one was guarding my door or window.

I took this as my opportunity as I begin to wiggle my hands, clenching them in a fist. I almost yelled in satisfaction when the rope became lose. Even though it stung and I could feel the blood dripping from my hands , my hands were free. I was free!

I begin to untie myself from the chair, wiping my hands in the shreds of my clothes. My hair was probably matted, my eyes were probably bloodshot red from all the crying and lack of sleep. Maybe I could get out.

My eyes dart around the room when I'm off the chair, I look for something, anything, for me to use as a possible weapon. When I see nothing I could use, my determination vanishes and I lean my head against the wall.

Maybe they should just put me out of my misery. I needed to leave and I couldn't. They wouldn't let me. Something tells me even with the information they need, they wouldn't let me go. Probably because I know their names and faces. I also remembered asking about the tattoo everyone that came in and 'checked' on me had.

'Vivo sin miedo'

The big, bold letters screeched at me every time I see it.

'Live Without Fear'

I wish I could.

Even though it was just words, it made my heart jump in fear every time I saw it. They weren't afraid of anything.

I hear a loud thump from the window and jump on the spot. I didn't know what to do, had something happened to Lydia or Asher.

By now, my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I could see a glimmer of a silver object that lay on the floor near my window.

I walk close to the window but still making sure I'm not in view.

"Sympathy? You in there or have we got the wrong window, again?" I hear Asher's worried voice.

"Asher? Lydia" I whisper. They lean down and I see their jaw drop when they saw me- or the state I was in.

"Jesus Sympathy. Are you okay?" I hear Lydia's worried voice. I nod, slightly worried that someone could hear them.

"Text Sebastian. Tell him we got her and she's safe. Come on Sympathy, let's get you out of here" Asher says. She looks at me with pity yet she looked at me as if I was strong.

"Don't you dare move" I hear a voice command before I freeze and my blood runs cold.

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