Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

"Haha very funny!." Noah and I walked outside of the café making our way down the streets of downtown.

" Yes, yes I Denver that."

I laugh at our old inside joke. Remembering the teachers hating us saying that.

"I Denver that to!" We both crack out an open laugh making me feel so home again.

"I miss your moms baking!"

"Oh yes her banana sugar cookies where the best!" I screeched.

"And we can't forget the cherry pie!"

"Oh yes we had a ball destroying them all over each other!"

"Oh wow I've missed this!"
Noah grabbed my hand's gazing into my eyes and we stoped. Just after seconds he took a flower from the side of the bench we where standing by and pushed it into my messy pony tail.

With that we just stood and smiled.

"The air, the breeze the home town cafés.."

"You?" Noah intrudes.

We continued to walk. Only this time different. We walked in silence, a type of silence that seemed to invade my privacy. So I ended it.

I snuck my self over on the bench settling before the stars.


"Hmmm, I have a question."


" Sebastian, why do you seem to care for him so much?"

"Mmm, what do you mean?"

"You care for him I can tell, you look at him differently, your glances are longer than normal, you like him?"

A cough tickled my throat and I sat up straight as a line looking at Noah.

"N-O, no, no, nooo."

A frown threatened his eye brows but he smiled and sat back.

"Good, because he is no good for you, he's a bad boy."

"He is not!"

"He is to." Noah smirked again.

"Don't speak that way of him! You just don't understand him."

"Stop the pitiful lies I know u well enough to know what your falling for."

Senses of anger flew under the heels of my feet and I stop before him.

"Don't you dare speak of him, just because he isn't like you means nothing. He's kind, and caring so don't speak such trash when you don't even know who he is! Got it?"

With that I walked off afraid of what that was that jumped out of me on Noah. I felt so terrible.

"Wait, don't I'm sorry I didn't mean it Noah."

I stopped him with a swift move to turn around and apologize.

"It's okay. I understand." With that he smiled and escorted me home.


"Mrs. Patter, can I go to the restroom please?"

"No problem." I left the classroom walking into the stalls of the bathroom to do my business.

It isn't the same being here... even though I didn't see Lilly much ever at school things feel different.

I walked from the bathroom only to hear whispers of very familiar voices, a particular voice I missed so much.

" she isn't safe with him, we will follow and watch her. He is doing this to get to me. Biker you make sure to keep an eye on him. I will talk to her when I figure out what exactly he wants. He is very, very dangerous you guys got that?."

"Got it."

"Now get to class before these assholes start asking us questions like we give a flying shit."

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