Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

*Third Person*

"She...she's in hospital?" Sympathy gasps, her heart thumping against her chest. Sebastian looks at her, not sure why he was worried for Sympathy. 

"Yes, She has been shipped home to be here for hospital, her conditions are pretty serious" Lilly's mother confessed and Sympathy felt her heart break in her chest. She felt her stomach churn. 

"What happened to her?" She asked, trying to sound strong but the question came out in a whisper. 

"She was knocked out, her head was hit and spilt open. They aren't sure if there is any problems such as amnesia yet as she hasn't woke up" Sympathy hears Lilly's mother cry down the phone to her. 

"My god" Sympathy gasps, her heart tightening, feeling as though someone was squeezing her heart. She clutched the phone to her ear, desperately trying not to break down in front of Sebastian.

Sympathy's hands went to her necklace and gripped it, hoping and praying her best friend would be fine.

"Which hospital is she at?" She asked, her voice wobbling and she bit her lip to ensure she wouldn't burst out crying. 

Lilly's mother told her the address and said their goodbyes before they hung up. 

"You want me to drive you to the hospital?" Sebastian asked. He tried not to sound saddened that they couldn't hang out, he was beginning to enjoy her company- a lot more than he wanted to admit. 

He clenched his jaw, remembering not to be so selfish. Sympathy's best friend was in hospital, and if he was in Sympathy's position, he would want to be there for his friend. 

"If that's okay?" Sympathy asked quietly, he realised she often wiped her tears away when he wasn't looking but he could tell by looking into her teary eyes. 

"It's no problem" he flashed her a small smile before turning around a corner and driving to the hospital. 

She tried to return his smile but all she wanted to do was cry. 

Why was the world this unfair? 

The drive to the hospital was quiet, Sebastian kept throwing glances at Sympathy who pretended she didn't notice. 

Sympathy gets out the car and notices Sebastian gets out too. 

He gently grabs her hand and she almost flinches at the sparks that she felt, though her mind was more concerned for the well being of her best friend. 

Standing outside the hospital, Sebastian gives her hand a little squeeze, loving how her hand felt in his. 

"You have my number if you need me" he breaks the silence between them. 

She nods, giving him a small sad smile. 

"Thank you" her words are soft and he nods, dropping her hand. 

"I'll see you around, I guess?" He asked and she nods, putting her, now, cold hands into her pockets. 

"Yeah" she breathes out. Nothing else was said between the two. 

Sebastian walked back to his car, wishing that maybe, just maybe, Sympathy didn't have a ride home so he could pick her up and spend more time with her. But just from hearing about Sympathy's friends condition, he knew she probably won't be going home tonight. 

Sympathy lets out a breath and walks through the doors, feeling as though everything was going in slow motion. 

She noticed how she asked the receptionist for Lilly's room. She noted how slow he was typing into the computer for Lilly's room. She noticed how slow he told her and she noticed how long it took for the elevator to open and let her in. 

When she arrived at Lilly's room, she immediately saw the two people who were practically her second parents. 

"Heard anything?" Sympathy asked. It's been 2 hours, 2 whole, long, slow hours and they haven't heard anything. Sympathy had to excuse herself to tell her parents what happened. 

They said to let them know when they know anything. 

A doctor walks out of Lilly's room, a sympathetic look on her face. 

Sympathy felt as though it was a kick to the stomach. 

"Are you here for Lilly?" The doctor asked, a voice that sounded as though it was going to let them know it was some bad news. 

"Yes" Sympathy bursts, "what's wrong? Is she okay?" She asked, she felt Lilly's mother put a comforting hand on her shoulder and give her a warm smile though her eyes showed she wasn't feeling as positive as she let on. 

"Well, The impact of the hit had caused Lilly to slip into a coma. The hit was not only deep, but at the top but back, of the head. There was a lot of blood loss and even if she does wake up, there is a very high chance of her having amnesia. I'm sorry. We're doing everything we can" the doctor explains. 

Sympathy gasps, her hands covering her mouth as tears fall freely from her eyes. 

She didn't realise Lilly's parents crying into each other's arms. 

She didn't realise Sebastian walked through the hospital doors, thinking that Sympathy was going to need someone tonight. 

Instead, she felt her legs give out as she crumpled into the ground, crying and sobbing wanting nothing but her best friend.
Where was mike? Was Sympathy's thoughts.

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