Chapter 3

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??? POV

My friends and I were walking off campus after our last class was dismissed for the day. As we were talking to each other about what we plan on doing later tonight, I notice a figure walking not that far in front of us. Her soft voice is lowly humming to the song playing from the headphones over her ears, and my eyes widen as I recognize this girl.

I ignore the other's protests and questions as I quicken my pace away from them, getting closer to her and a grin forms on my lips as I slip my arms around her in a hug.


I freeze as I feel someone pulling me into a backhug. Now they done fucked up. One of the things that I cannot just ignore is strangers touching me without my permission, and I don't remember giving this person anything of the sort.

My face stills into a pissed-but-also-calm expression and I turn around, my clenched fist punching the asshole who was stupid enough to lay a finger, let alone BOTH OF HIS ARMS on me, across his jaw.

He is caught off guard and falls to the ground in shock, he was holding his face in his hands so I couldn't get a good look at him but before that happened, I heard gasps and looked up.

My face changed into confusion then to surprise after squinting my eyes in recognition of the men in front of me. They all shouted, "Y/N!" and ran over to me while I just stood there, still as a statue.

But the one with caramel-colored hair pulled them all to a stop in front of their friend, my gaze following theirs, who slowly stood back up, holding his jaw and whining, "Damn Y/N, did you have to punch me so hard? I mean yeah there are perverts out there but did you have to ruin my beautiful face for it?".

I relaxed and let out a chuckle as I answered him, "My bad, Jackson. But you should of known by now not to sneak up on me of all people like that.", shaking your finger at him you gave an innocent smile.

Everyone burst out laughing, Jackson pouting but soon joining them, and they all gathered around to engulf me in a tight hug for a rather long time before I managed to gasp out, "Okay okay, your suffocating me, I get it, you really missed me!" and they all pulled away quickly, my mouth curving into a joyous grin, teeth and all, after meeting one of my oldest group of friends.

Got7 were the sons of my parents' closest friend, Park Jinyoung, who was also the leader of a gang company he called JYP. I grew up with them, along with another group you will know about soon enough, but they weren't around me the same time as Got7 was, so they aren't familiar with each other nor did they know about my relationship with them and vice versa.

They are Black Lupin's allies and Park Jinyoung offered to take you in with him under JYP after your parents died but you declined, telling him you were independent now and had to take care of Black Lupin, but you still loved him and thought of him as an uncle, sometimes even calling him that, since your father and him were like close brothers. Okay, enough talking about them, let's get back to my story.

We caught up but had to leave as a notification for a mission from headquarters popped up on my phone and I gave it to them, before they could snatch it away first, so they could all put their numbers in it, some of them saving their contacts under weird names:Jackson-Wild&Sexy, Youngjae-FlashInTheH, Bambam-DabMaster, Yugyeom-Browny, Mark-CocosFather, Jinyoung and Jaebum just putting their regular names.

You gave them hugs and waved goodbye, sighing as you scroll through your contacts, seeing the names again. They were cute so you kept them, you found Arianna's name and sent a text saying, "Hey Rina, sorry but we won't be able to hang out tonight, I have to work on a project for my Chemistry class with my group and won't be back until it's pretty late." She responded a few minutes later, right as you were entering the company building, with, "Alright, but you gotta pay me back for ditching me later. Have fun!". You glance at her text and grin a little before disappearing inside the large building of Black Lupin.


So, Got7 is old friends with you! What kind of mission is in store for Y/N? Maybe we will find out next chapter, see y'all then! Annyeong! 

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