Chapter 53

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After almost a month of enjoying your time happily with the boys in the giant mansion, you almost had forgotten the promise you made towards your half-brother, Shownu. It was the moment when Jaebum had asked you to participate in a 4-way sparring match, bringing you out of the dream you were living in and revealing the dark reality that you were a gang member.

Though this realization brought you out of it, you still had agreed to join and now here you were in the gym of Got7's section of the house, wearing a simple workout outfit to move around easily in. "I hope you guys haven't gotten rusty after all this", you say to them as you shift your weight to each leg while stretching your muscles to warm up.

You glance over to your other 3 opponents: Jaebum, Mark, and Yugyeom, the best fighters of their gang. "Right back at you, babe", Mark smirked at you as he got up from finishing his 50 push-ups in under 2 minutes. You rolled your eyes at his comment, resting your hands on your hips, "Are we going to start this or what?", you say in a now irritated tone.

"Relax, princess. No need to rush this. I, for one, would rather have some fun before your impending loss to me arrives", Yugyeom remarks sassily. You are about to spit a retort before you come up with something better, "And what kind of fun are you talking about, Gyeom?", you say with a raised brow in his direction.

His mouth clamps shut, all previous arrogance gone and replaced with a deep blush across his cheeks as he gulps and looks away from you. You hum in amusement at his reaction before you fix yourself into a fighting stance as you notice the other two men's serious expressions as a signal for you to be ready. There is the ding of a bell that starts the match and at first, no one moves a muscle.

All participants look to one another, eyes searching and calculating the next move from whoever it may be. Turns out to be the impatient maknae, who is too quick to exert his energy and results in a swift pin down by Mark. You stand over him, your shadow cast mockingly on his face as you give him a cheeky grin, "I believe the impending loss you were talking about earlier was about yourself. Maybe you'll learn next time to not be so cocky, hmm?", you say as you you tilt your head at him.

The younger grimaces, refusing to reply and gets up from the floor. You turn around to see Mark watching Yugyeom exit the small arena with a click of his tongue before everything gets serious again and thus the 3-way match had begun. Now, staying on your feet was a little more difficult as the two men you fought contained the correct judgement the previous opponent lacked and every so often it would turn to a two-against-one ordeal. However, you yourself had the timing, speed, and wit down to quickly go back to everyone for themselves. Since this match seemed as though it wouldn't end, the two members decided to change it up.

But with your sharp eye, you had caught the look they exchanged towards the other and got one step ahead. Before they could try to shift things around to their advantage, you had chosen your victim and tripped him in a flash. The poor soul who didn't have a very graceful landing in the end happened to be Mark, the oldest.

Now it was just you and Jb. Both of you had a fire inside that was hard to put out so this one-on-one would be something to remember. Ding, you advanced on him with a flying kick but he blocked the hit just in time. He sent you stumbling backwards with a strong punch that nearly hit your stomach had you not dodged at that very moment. The spar went on with each of you using all types of fighting moves on one another but neither had been tackled down yet. 

Jaebum had tried to aim for your legs but you had swung him away before he could do so until he reacted too fast for you to process in time and he came from behind, grabbing you in a chokehold. You could feel your airways become blocked by this man's heavy and muscled arm and resorted to flipping both of your bodies over so he would be forced to release you.

Gulping in the needed oxygen, you shoved your knee on top of his chest and placed all of your weight into that leg to keep him down. He grunted in pain as you pressed further into his ribcage when he struggled underneath you. His temper, though, was something as he growled and managed to push himself up and throw his more substantial weight onto you so that you were on the floor now. "Too late for that, I pinned you first", you huff out. You look into his burning eyes and are shooketh when you realize the close proximity your faces are at.

"I know", he breathes then seems to notice the little space you have between each other as well. His eyes slowly move you your lips and you watch them as they do so. You feel your heart pick up speed as his tongue glides hungrily over his own lips. He leans in closer, the skin just barely touching yours and you close your eyes from instinct. But alas, you flinch from the sound of the other members of Got7 coming into the gym with Jackson shouting, "So who won?".

Jaebum regrettably moves away from you and the intimate moment is now gone. You steal a glance in his direction, catching him running a hand frustratedly through his hair and take a moment yourself to calm down your rapidly beating heart before you put on a smile towards them and proudly point to yourself, "Me, of course!", adding a wink. You laugh as Bambam groans and looks to the leader, "Ah, hyung! I would of thought for sure you could do it, how could I be wrong?!", he whines.

Ignoring the complaint, the man stands up and starts walking away from the gang, saying over his shoulder, "I'm going to hit the showers, this was enough for today", and disappears into the room. You are left with the 6 boys and glare at Yugyeom when he comments, "I can't believe we keep losing to a girl", and you move to pinch his ear as a warning, making him yelp from the action.

With an indignant frown you scold him, "Women are just as good as men are!", and with that statement, your day had ended. And don't you forget that


Song Name: Why the Sky

Artist: Jimin Park and Baek Ayeon

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving"

-Albert Einstein

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