Chapter 28

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Without hesitation 2 large animals burst from behind the stranger's back after getting a whiff of her scent and knocked Y/N onto her back. Before Got7 could react, the sound of her happy giggles could be heard as the dogs covered her face with loving licks.

One of the dogs was a huge rottweiler with more than a few identifiable scars on its face and body. The other was a black German shepherd with heterochromia, the condition causing one eye to be amber and another to be bright blue. Both of them were males.

After recovering from the exciting reunion, the man who seemed familiar with Y/N offered his hand to help her back onto her feet. The grin, which couldn't seem to grow any bigger but did, still was on her face as she looked to the very confused Got7 boys.

Gesturing to the person who just helped her, "Guys, this is Jae", which he gave a small smile to them showing he meant no harm in return. "And these little rascals...", she paused to put the two dogs that were playing with each other in check with a command after the snap of her fingers, "Sientate!".

The dogs immediately stopped their fun and sat back on their haunches, their tongues lolling out cutely. "This is Bear", resting her hand on top of the rottweiler's head which in turn leaned back slightly to receive the pet. "And this is my Leo", she scratched behind the dark German shepherd's big pointy ears.

Bear was originally your brother's dog, he rescued him from the shelter after they were close to putting the animal down for being labeled as an aggressive dog. They confiscated him from a dog fighting ring.

Jin Woo ignored the warnings of the dog shelter staff and took him in as his own, realizing how wrong they were as the time he spent with Bear showed he was a sweet and kind animal if you took the time to actually get to know the domestic animal, which is exactly what your brother did whenever he didn't have any important missions to do for Black Lupin.

Bear's owner's death hit him hard and he slowly began reverting back to his hostile ways until you took him in to be with you. It was like he knew you were Jin Woo's sister and he saw what kind of person you were, that's why he allowed you to comfort him and vice versa, therefore forming a bond from the soul and getting along well.

But something was missing and you found yourself wondering about getting Bear a friend that he could relate with as a dog while you were away doing your human things. And, like fate was on your side, you were on a stroll one day and came across an alarmingly skinny dog with a chain around its neck, not attached to anything.

It was as if the animal got tired of being treated like dirt from its previous careless owners and used its last amount of strength left to break away and escape the misery that was approaching him closely if he stayed there any longer.

You stopped your whistling, taking your hands out of your pockets to stare curiously at the dog that was lying on its stomach, clouds of breath leaving his mouth from exhaustion and visible due to the chilly night.

You approached him cautiously, lowering yourself to his level but halted as he turned to look at you. Now they say it is a sign of challenge if you meet the eyes of a dog, which you knew very well especially since Bear was now in your possession but the way you did it was not challenging at all and the dog seemed to know that, you could practically see the intelligence in his gaze.

He put his head on the ground, almost like it was a gesture that he was okay with you being there, letting you to continue. You took that opportunity to get closer to him, gently unwrapping the chain from around his neck then taking a seat next to him just to relax.

You leaned back, arms stretching out behind you for support to look up at the sky that was beginning to brighten as the sun was awaking from it's rest.

Your head tilted downwards as the animal next to you moved closer and rested its large head in your lap. You took one of your hands to sweep over his night-colored fur, "Hmm, how does the name, Midnight, sound?", you ask the dog. He gives no response and you take it that it doesn't sound right.

"Spike?", no response once more. "Johnny? Steve? Bob?", you laugh as an expression you can only decipher as displeasure crosses the german shepherd's face. "Doesn't roll of the tongue very nicely, huh? Yeah, they will just keep getting worse from there", you sigh in defeat and rest your gaze on the ground on front of you, zoning out.

"Leo", you say out loud as it pops into your head. His ears twitch in acknowledgement at the name, you let out a soft chuckle, "Yeah, Leo it is". You took him back to your house that day, introducing him to Bear, who fit with him like a puzzle piece at first sniff. Speaking of sniff, you gave Leo a bath and spent the rest of the day making room for the new member of your family.

But as things with your gang started taking more and more time out of your schedule with Bear and Leo, you had to reach out to one of your trusted friends, Jae, to take care of them. It was actually perfect since he understood your situation, being a former gang member, but decided to break away from Day6.

It was his gang, he wanted lay low from then on, doing his own thing which happened to be playing music starting with his electric guitar. It took some time for the 2 males to get used to their new caretaker, but since you and him had a good relationship, they eventually got over it and accepted him, though you would still always be the more favored one when it came down to it.

After relieving the whole story to Got7, they were comfortable knowing now that there were no threats to you or them. "Maybe Bear, Leo, and Coco could get together sometime", Youngjae suggested as he mentioned his own pet. You shrugged, "I mean if you are okay with Coco meeting dogs that are 5 times the size of her, then yeah, definitely we should organize that".

Youngjae's and Mark's eyes widened at the realization, the father of the little white furball saying in a warning, "As long as you let them know that our baby is not their snack, I'm okay with it". Youngjae put a hand on his shoulder in agreement.

"Well it is clear you two must be the parents of this small dog I heard of", Jae laughed. They both looked at each other then back at Jae, "Yes, we are. And your point is?", saying in unison which caused everyone to burst out in amusement. After spending a fair amount of time with them, you bid your farewells and set off to the mansion happier than before knowing that Got7 possibly made a new friend that was also yours.

Jinyoung pulled over to a stop in front of the house, furrowing his eyebrows in criticism as he said, "Don't you think they are showing off a bit?", his eyes raking over the lit up manor. Rolling your eyes as you grab your backpack with your stuff inside, "Ah, just leave it be Jinyoung", he pulled his eyes away from the house to look defeatedly at you.

"Anyway, it's time to say goodbye. We are doing it here, I do NOT want any more drama coming back up between you guys in front of the mansion so come on". You open your arms to give them each a warm hug before bringing them together for a group one then pulling away, "I know I will miss you guys as much as you will miss me, probably more. Don't get too caught up with that though I want you all to focus on getting things taken care of, arasso?", putting your hands on your hips and looking at them sternly, but to them they saw it as cute.

They straightened up putting their hands to their foreheads in a salute, "Ne!", you laughed along with them as they went back into the car. "Make sure they don't get into trouble, yeah?", you say to Jaebum who grinned at you, "Sure thing. I'm the leader, it's my job to keep them in check after all".

You give him a quick peck on the cheek and he stays to watch you get there safely, only turning to go inside the car as he saw you disappear behind the closing door of the huge mansion. If only you knew how much we actually care about you, Y/N...


ooooo! I sense love is in the air! Anyway I'm sorry about not updating the last few days, I was having a little bit of writers block with all the stuff going on at the moment. The #RedforEd movement for the teachers in Arizona closed my school's campus up until today and it seems like we will have to be making up for those days we missed, but I for one will not be doing that. Anyway, see y'all next chapter, annyeong!

Song Name: Galaxy

Artist: Bolbbalgan4

"Never give up because great things take time"

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