Chapter 46

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He stares back at you, taking in the loathing you projected onto him for what his gang has done to your family. His face is expressionless as he absorbs the information while his members look at you with sympathy for your loss. 

"Park M/N and Park F/N, gone. Just like that", something in your voice sounded deflated as you dropped the spite that quickly took your body but disappeared as soon as it came and you dropped your head as all the emotion that was left was sadness. You didn't notice the man in front of you stiffen to one of a statue as you said your mother's name.

Shownu POV

Once I heard that name, it triggered something within me and I found myself involuntarily being thrown into a late memory.

"PARK FUCKING M/N?!", I heard the familiar booming voice of my father as he yelled in her face. I looked over at her, she had a suitcase in her hands and was dressed to go out. She did not flinch, unlike all the times he would get mad at her before, sometimes even taking hits from him with whimpers of pain but here she was. 

Chin raised, she met his fury with her self-control and replied in a calm tone, " Yes, Shi-dae. Kim has been replaced and there is nothing I will let you do about it, not anymore. You cannot hurt me, do not dare touch me or so much look in my direction from now on. You are nothing to me and I am nothing to you", she stopped when I foolishly stepped on the broken glass on the floor from the vase we used to have, giving away my position with a cry from the stinging sensation it brought.

The woman looked to me but I could not see her face clearly, it was all a blur as she hurriedly took my little arm and guided me towards the kitchen. She sat me up on the counter and with gentle hands, took out the piece that stuck in my foot and cleaned up the blood, proceeding to grab a bandage and place it over the cut.

"Sohnie, what's with the sad face? Eomma fixed your booboo so you don't need to worry anymore okay?", she said and kissed the injury repeatedly until I started to giggle and forgot about being down.

When she realized I was cheerful once more she straightened herself up and placed me back on the floor, crouching down to level with me. Her face was still blurry to me as I faced her with a bright smile.

"Eomma has to leave now baby", she cupped my chubby cheeks in her soft hands as she continued, "Just remember never let anyone forget who you are, fly high my child". Though I didn't understand that phrase before, It always had a place in my heart and I never forgot those words.

After saying that she placed a loving kiss on my forehead and vanished from my life, never to be seen again.

"What did you just say?", I snapped awake to reality after hearing Y/N's voice. It was then that I realized I had said that out loud in my trance and met her eyes.

Back to Third Person POV

Y/N's ears clearly didn't deceive her but the fact that this bastard standing before her recited something her beloved mother said to her several of the times she felt like giving up, no matter what the original issue was.

"Is this some kind of twisted game you are playing?", she says beginning to grow upset again. "How do you know that?", she asks the leader.

Everyone else looks to him as he doesn't reply and just stares back at the girl.

"Kim M/N was my mother's name before she changed the surname to Park after marrying someone else and going away with him", he said it like he was used to talking about his mother like that, like she betrayed him, like she abandoned him.

That is what she did in his eyes and he always resented her for that but somehow managed to remember the warm and happy memories with her as well but her face had begun to fade away as time passed, the past slowly diminishing with every sinful act he committed under his cruel father's company.

"When did that happen?", Y/N asks. Poisonous curiosity took over her hatred for the man as the question left her lips. She was beginning to feel dread rise in her stomach as her thoughts of Shownu's words being true were spreading through her mind.

"December 14th, 1996", as the date was announced Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine making her uncomfortable. No way, It's just not possible, she said to herself. More doubts were filling her head, making her dizzy.

"Do you remember what your mother looked like?", another question to hopefully put an end to the horrid possibility of being related to this man that was in front of Y/N. His mother probably just has the same name as my own, that's all, she tried to reassure herself but the woman found herself growing nervous for Shownu's answer.

In the Monsta X gang leader's mind, he was wondering why he was being so open to the girl, somehow trying to prove himself to this stranger before him, "Well, I can't exactly remember what her face looked like but she had a small face and long, slightly curly hair. She was somewhere in between short and tall and always had this sort of stance whenever she was on her feet where it radiated this authoritative aura but would always be gentle to the ones close to her", he replied.

His members eyes were widened in full circles as they themselves never heard the man talk in this way about his own mother when being around him for so long.

Y/N's mouth straightened into a thin line as the words settled in her brain, her gaze focused straight ahead, looking at nothing but the wall that showed where on edge of the room stopped.

Everyone was now looking at her, awaiting her reaction in silence. Jooheon and Minhyuk flinched while the rest leaned back in surprise when she broke out into hysterical fits of laughter. Hyungwon furrowed his brows in confusion as your whole body shook from the state of delirium she was in as she continued to cackle at the statement she only seemed to find comical.

When she finally regained herself, the smile was replaced with a deep frown and serious eyes as she met Shownu's gaze, "There is no fucking way you are my half-brother"


Whaaaaat? Anybody see that coming? What an interesting discovery our character has stumbled upon, eh? Starting school next week as a senior, so excited! Does anyone else feel the same? Yeah, me neither. Alright, until next time, readers!

Song Name: Heaven

Artist: EXO (beautiful song btw)

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow"

-Helen Keller

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