Chapter 22

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Got7 and BTS were rivals and have crossed one another's paths several times. They have had more than a few run-ins, sometimes interrupting critical transfers and sometimes just having the same target. They are both in the Top 5 and look at the other as competition. That along with their bad history is bound to stir up all sorts of unpleasant feelings towards the other gang members...


The first thing I noticed after waking up is that my breathing was more accessible and at a normal pace now. I open my eyes only to shut them again quickly once I process the scene in front of me. Two groups, agonizingly familiar to me, are currently having an intense stare down and I can feel the tension so thick in the air it can be sliced with a knife. I wait for something to happen then think better of it as it is stupid to wait for these idiots, they are a hair away from getting physical with each other, and slowly peel away my lids.

Just as I am about to speak the most hot tempered out of the groups: Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook, & Yugyeom, Jaebum, Jackson all stand up abruptly, each spitting insults at the enemy, and move to attack the other. You inhale deeply before booming from the top of your lungs in a powerful voice, "SHUT UP! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN ABOUT TO DO WHAT I WAS THINKING," they tear their glares at each other and turn to look at you, relaxing in the slightest as they see you are awake but their eyes as big as saucers at your sudden outburst.

Your face was red from doing that and you are frowning massively at them until the sane members got up and went to surround you, engulfing you in a warm hug and ignoring your sharp protests as they did so. The men you just scolded forget about their issues for now, and join the group hug, still keeping their distance though.

Things are still tense between your friends but with you there, nothing will happen. Not on my watch. The boys don't go unnoticed by you as you see them leave to go outside your room, closing the door behind them, out of the corner of your eye while you are conversing with the ones who remain with you.

You watch their shadows on the other side of the opaque glass door for a few moments before giving up trying to find out what they were doing and continue talking, mostly to GOT7 since it has been a while and you want to know how they have been. you also realize as they speak to you, they are very brief and don't give anything you believe to be confidential, not wanting to reveal something to their enemies who are across from them.

Outside Y/N's room

Youngjae dragged his leader and the doctor outside and they were waiting expectantly for him to talk, Jaebum crossing his arms and was all ears for the younger one. "Okay I know for a fact that none of us trust those assholes", They both grunted in agreement, "So, let's come up with something to get her away from them. It probably won't be for long, but it will be enough for us to spend time with her". The last part hit home for each man, It has been years since you and GOT7 hung out together like old times, the last encounter being a mere meet up that was cut short by school time and other pressing matters. Jaebum nodded decisively, "Right, Jinyoung-ah here is what you will say to them....."

The three men returned inside and Jinyoung cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, you narrowed your eyes at him awaiting his words. "I want to keep Y/N here for at least a day or two to monitor her health. I am going to keep her on antibiotics and special medication to prevent this from happening again in the same way". "That is not going to happen", Yoongi said coldly.

"Like we're letting her go with you asshats", sneered Yugyeom. Jungkook took a threatening step forward, "Say that one more time. I fucking dare you", he growled.

You stepped in between them, the boys from each gang getting up to back up their members, and put a hand on each of their chests, pushing them backwards a bit(only a bit because they are the strongest of their teams, did I mention you feeling their hard and toned pecks as you did so? No? well now you know hehe), "Again?! Gosh you kids are going to be the death of me one day", you ignored Jackson's comment of ,"Hey some of us are older than you. You know now that I think of it you really should be calling us oppa--"

"ANYWAY, this is my decision to make and you all need to respect it", you gave the 2 specific ones a stern look before sweeping your gaze to the rest, "And I am choosing to stay, point blank period". "But--", You cut off Taehyung who was about to object, whipping your head around to give him a death glare, "I guarantee you do not want to know what happens if I have to repeat myself", that shut him up as he gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and you could almost see the soft bone trembling fearfully underneath the skin covering his neck.

You could see they had bad history between each other just by seeing the looks they gave the gang members after you asked them to give you and BTS some alone time to talk to them. They cooled down once their sources of the heated tension left the room.

You went over what you were going to do while you were away and assured them as much as you could, talking about the long friendship you have had with them and how they would never hurt you, but deep down the boys were seething at all the possible things that could happen after they leave you "unprotected" and with one of their greatest rivals at that. You heaved a sigh as you could tell they weren't convinced at all despite your gentle words to them but if they realized anything during your stay at their mansion, once you made a decision, you did everything in your power to make sure it would go through, you were stubborn like that.

After you finished arranging everything, Yoongi made sure you had your phone with you and then Jin's motherly instincts began to kick in as he started to nag you with a list of rules he came up with on the spot and you rolled your eyes, pushing everyone out of the room and towards the exit, where GOT7 was waiting.

The air immediately turned rigid once again as they saw each other and before anyone could react, Jimin flashed in front of Jackson and grabbed him by the collar, his nostrils were flaring as he barked, "If I see that you have ANYTHING seemingly wrong to her after we pick her up in the few days she has with you, I will personally beat the living hell out of each one of you then break you until you are begging on your knees(anybody who gets the reference her I love you) for mercy".

You saw your friends as all their jaw noticeably tightened at his threat and Jackson began through clenched teeth after ripping himself out of his grip and rolling up his sleeves, "Why you little shi---" and you stepped in between them once again.

Before an all out fight broke out, you turned away and yanking Jimin by the ear while using your other arm to herd the rest out the door, you throw the Mochi along with them and yell, "Okay have a safe trip back home! See you Monday!", waving them off before turning back to go inside and slamming the door shut behind you.

Your demeanor suddenly switched to a dark and fearsome one as you locked darkening glare on Jackson, a twisted grin creeping on your mouth as you approached him, "Don't think I forgot about you, Wang", as you giggled maniacally. The faint sound of a horrifying caterwaul echoing through the tunnel could be heard as the brothers of Bangtan drove away from the clinic.


Song Name: El Dorado

Artist: EXO (The high notes in that song literally could take me to heaven if I rode on them like daaaamn)

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples"

-Mother Teresa

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