Chapter 35

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You woke up early, unable to sleep as long as you wanted because of last night's events. You couldn't understand why it bothered you so much, I mean all the members of Astro were your friends and something like that shouldn't matter so much, right? It was just an accident, you say to yourself, trying to reassure your somewhat restless mind and racing heart.

I mean, for gosh sake, we used to bathe together as kids. But it's different now that you are adults, a voice in your mind says, contradicting the other thought. You run a hand through your hair, getting up from your bed and walking into the bathroom. Maybe a morning shower could help clear your head.

You are jolted awake, turning the knob to the cold side to purposely distract you from your own thoughts, as the water hits you. You spend the whole time in the shower in the lower temperatures and are not as bothered by the natural breeze after exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body.

You search through the drawers in your bedroom and let out a sigh of longing as you pull out male attire consisting of a t-shirt and sweats, reminiscing in the old memories that play in front of your temporarily closed lids.

The familiar scent of the woods combined with coconut filled your nostrils as you remembered your brother. This was his old room after all. A solemn smile plays on your lips after you recall his own bright and contagious one when he was around, it was the kind that would always make you forget about your bad day and make you want to do something fun. You would never forget how much Jinwoo cared about you like a big brother should.

You slide the clothes over your body and let your long hair air dry as you began your trek through the house, your bare feet silently touching the vinyl floors with every step.

While exploring, you come across a spiral staircase you never noticed before. Shrugging to yourself, your curiosity leads you upwards and a soft gasp escapes your lips as you register what you just walked into. 

The staircase took you to what you now realize is the attic, containing rows and rows of books organized neatly in each one. You were surprised at how much bigger it looked now that you were inside compared to the small entrance from first glance.

The ginormous library is heaven in your eyes and you hobble excitedly over to the first bookcase, letting your fingers glide over the exposed spines of the books. They stop at one in particular that catches your eye, it is a worn red and gold color, and pull it out, weighing it in your hands.

You settle with this book and walk over to a small office space in between the tall cases, sitting in the cushion chair placed before it and open the book to begin reading, getting caught up in the plot quickly since it revealed to be centered around your favorite genre.

Hours pass and the boys begin to wake up one by one. They notice your absence almost right away but don't get alarmed since they know you are not one to run away and figure you are somewhere in the house. Some sit down to eat breakfast, the aroma of fresh coffee being made starting to fill the house.

Sanha and Eunwoo decide to look around for you, separating to opposite sides of the house and looking into the rooms present. Eunwoo comes across the special staircase leading to the attic library and goes up the steps, doesn't hurt to check there.

Once he enters, he immediately sees you, your nose buried in the book you have been reading for a while. He chuckles at how immersed you are in it, "Seems you are enjoying that, huh, Y/N?", he inquires.

His sudden presence startles you but you don't show it and barely look over at him, your eyes getting pulled back to the words printed on the page you were currently on like a magnet.

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