Chapter 23

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That night, fearing you would do something worse to them after Jackson's little stunt, your friends revealed the true reason behind your stay with them. "Wise decision", you said while nodding your head calmly.

You could tell they were lying when they were talking about wanting to "monitor" you, after being around them for so long in your youth, you could spot the little things they did when expressing any emotion, showing how close you were, because of how well you knew them. You realized you missed being around them, like how it was before when you used to hangout all the time, and had to admit that they chose a good opportunity to do it.

It wasn't an entire lie that Got7 wanted to keep you, Jinyoung treated you with some antihistamine drugs, telling you to rest for the night.

All the boys mothered you, tucking you in and softening your pillow for you as you settled in a temporary room in the clinic, which though you were a little annoyed by it, you didn't mind being cared for. It filled the emptiness that resided in you for the longest time and warmed your heart.

Receiving varied forms of hugs from the members and giving a few surprise cheek and forehead kisses back because why not, you got comfortable and let the exhaustion from the entire day take over and blanket you in darkness.

With your adapted senses from being born into the gang life, your lids flashed open and you threw out your arms Wakanda style to protect your torso as a heavy weight landed on you calling out happily, "Good Morning, Noona!", then proceeding to wrap it's arms around you.

You muttered groggily, sleep still hanging tiredly in your voice, "Morning Gyeomie", with a yawn and a pat on his head as the giant maknae smiled, eyes included, down at you after pulling away from the hug and sitting next to you in the bed.

You felt a dip on the other side of you and heard a familiar whine on your left, "Aww, I wanted to wake up Y/N-Noona first, no fair...", followed by a huff from the smaller person.

"Its okay Bambam, I am sure you can do it next time", you ruffled his hair slightly while adding lowly in his native language, "We'll go to the arcade together and eat Tom Yum Koong later, sound good?". He nodded his head vigorously while Yugyeom frowned at your switch to the foreign speech, "Hey, what did you say? I wanna know!". You ignored him and rolled off the bed to stretch, groaning in satisfaction at the energy that began to spread throughout your body.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am going to get ready", and opened the door to walk into the lit up hallway of the clinic. You made your way through until you the first person appeared in your line of vision, which you waved at to beckon him over, "Jackson!", once he was close enough he said, "Yo, Y/N! What's up?", and you replied, "Can I borrow some clothes for today?".

"Of course! Anything for you, Darling! Be right back", that was pretty bold of him to do and he narrowly missed your outstretched arm and he quickly turned away to go and grab an outfit for you.

You decided to let it go, sighing irritably, "That pabo, aish....", sitting down in an arm chair close by to wait for the acclaimed Wild&Sexy Jackson to return. After getting your attire for the day, you met up with the others and brought up the idea of eating breakfast together.

Youngjae offered to drive you there in his car after agreeing on having American style food to start the day at Denny's(pretend it exists there) in downtown Seoul, Mark's suggestion bringing you to high five him eagerly after remembering how you loved their french toast slams from living in the United States for some years, which is where you got to know him better since that was his home country.

After granting your rumbling stomach's wishes, you all walked around the area for a bit. The sky gradually was becoming darker, causing your attention to shift towards the bright and colorful lights that were flashing not far away.

"Oooo! An amusement park! Let's gooo!", shouted Bambam like a little kid and linking arms with as many people as he could, Y/N being the one who was closest and her grabbing Jaebum who was next to her, and abruptly pulling them along with him towards the growing sounds of screams that were a mixture of excitement and terror.

Jackson visibly paled as he heard that and when he saw the huge rollercoasters in front of him, the line of cars twisting and turning and speeding through loop de loops, creating a sickening feeling down in his gut.

"U-umm guys, I-I think I'll just wait for you o-over there--", you grabbed his shoudler, turning him around and pushing him back towards the ride which made his heart drop down to his balls just by looking at it, "Come on, Jackson, don't be a baby!".

The track started off with what looked like a 700 foot drop, the cars seemed to be facing the other way probably just to add more fear to the wimps who ride it, not knowing when they will plummet to their possible imminent deaths. After going through that heart attacking part, it turns the people back around and just when they think it wont be as bad from then on, it rushes, from what they saw at full speed without slowing down at all, through a series of spin arounds and spirals then proceeding to a set of 4 loops in a row, stopping at the last loop to let the riders dangle a little bit from the top, then finally stopping at the end only to go back through that part once more and stopping at the same place again.

As your group neared the line, Jinyoung quickly went to buy FastPasses for everyone so they wouldn't have to wait as long, (lucky for Jackson) and the only person who was uncomfortable with it all broke into a cold sweat as he saw the riders before him get off either stumbling/passing out from the dizziness or finding somewhere to puke their previous meals out in a nasty green color. All he could do was utter a weak, "Shit..", as Y/N took his hand and led him to sit down in the seat next to Jinyoung while she sat in front with Yugyeom who looked as excited as her.

No more than 3 seconds later after he shakily buckled himself in, an enthusiastic voice came from a nearby intercom beginning to go over the safety instructions followed by the bars automatically pulling down over his head and securing him in, allowing zero chances of escaping from that point on.

He closed his eyes, muttering Chinese prayers under his breath, the person next to him feeling exhilaration for what was coming and simply laughing at his friend's terror but still hooking arms with him since he wasn't all that bad.

Jackson let out a whimper as the machine lurched backwards towards the worst part of the entire ride and he shouted to his members who were also on the ride with him either in front or behind him, "IF I DIE I JUST WANTED YOU GUYS TO KNOW THAT---", and nothing was heard more besides the last scream he could release, "JINYOUNG-AHHH!!!", while tightening his hold on the man. The words were thrown back down his throat, his soul practically left his body as everyone screamed their lungs out when they plunged backwards, only seeing the clear and calm blue sky above them as they hurtled at an insane speed towards the ground.


Well! This was fun chapter, don't you think? Hmmm, I wonder what's gonna happen next.....

Well! This was fun chapter, don't you think? Hmmm, I wonder what's gonna happen next

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Song Name: Honeymoon

Artist: B.A.P(y'all, the melody to this song is pretty legit)

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today"

-Will Rogers

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