Chapter 39

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Once you got back to their house, it was already dawn. The sun slowly climbing it's way up the sky, casting bright colors above that reflected it's radiance. You entered the code and tiptoed you way inside, praying that your friends weren't awake yet.

Unfortunately luck didn't seem to be on your side because as soon as you reached the living room, they were all sitting on the couch and facing you with their arms crossed, their glares sent towards you.

You gave them a sheepish smile and straightened up, trying to act like you weren't sneaking your way back in. You sighed when it seemed like you wouldn't be able to get out of this with charms so you clasped your hands together and opened your mouth to speak, the others readying themselves to hear your explanation, "So, what had happened was...", you begin but never finish as you bolt towards the stairs.

For a moment, they were caught off guard and you were able to get about halfway up the steps before someone grabbed your ankle to yank you back down.

You started screaming loudly, "Noooo! You'll never take me alive!!", your hands trying find anything to hold onto and prevent you from going backwards, finally managing to grasp onto the metal hand railing lining the stairs.

"Y/N, let go!", you heard Rocky yell behind you through gritted teeth as he tried to pull you. But your grip was iron and would take more than one person to break, "NEVER!", you hiss back at him in defiance. 

Rocky, his hands still trying to pry you away, turned to look at his brothers who just watched it happen with wide eyes, "Help me out here!", he growled at them and they hurried over to his sides and grabbed a part of your legs. "Hana, dul, set...HEAVE!", he shouted and heave they did.


You huff in frustration, blowing a strand of hair that came over your face and glowering at the boys who put you here. You were sat in a chair, your hands and legs quickly bound to it's limbs with rope as the majority of them held you down while the maknae went to grab the material.

The 2 strongest of the Astro stood on either side of you while the rest stood in front of you. MJ took a step closer to you, sassily putting his hands on his hips and narrowing his eyes at you, "Speak". You kept silent for a few moments, putting all the threats you could muster in your eyes and sending them to each of the members as they surrounded you. "This was so unnecessary", you mutter.

When you realized they wouldn't budge, you hung your head in defeat with a, "Fine, whatever.." then brought it back up, giving them a brief explanation of what you did, "I snuck out in the middle of the night, went to a bar, won an arm wrestling contest, meet old friends, taught some bastards a lesson, then came back here".

You look at them after you finished, a frown growing on your face when they didn't move, "What? I told you what happened, now let me go!", you claim, your voice growing in irritation.

"That's all? Nothing else you wanna tell us?", Moonbin says from your right side. "Yes, that's it. Now if you don't untie me in the next few seconds, I'll castrate each and every one of you", you say in a menacing tone. Their hands go to cover their private areas as you say that and they turn around to huddle together in a group discussion.

You try to hear their whispers as they talk about what to do with you, tapping your foot on the ground impatiently when it starts to take long, "Time's running out boys", you say and they don't seem to hear you so you raise your voice, "5,4,3...", you start to countdown and they hurriedly turn back to you.

Eunwoo said in a worried voice, "Okay! Okay! We're done". MJ starts in a not-so-promising way, "We have decided that....", and you bring your eyebrows together, using your hand to make scissors and mouth, "Snip Snip", to him.

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