Chapter 50

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A Few Hours Before Y/N's Escape

Monsta X found out that BTS, Got7, and even Astro, a usually reserved gang, joined forces and were also forming a plan on Y/N's escape. Shownu decided that one of them had to interject their plan right before they were about to carry out, and the opportunity was now. Wonho volunteered to go alone, since it would be easier to convince the powerful rivals of their gang's similar intentions for Y/N.

So here he was, walking unarmed, straight into the lion's den. He caught his chance after finding them exiting the warehouse they were all residing in during the forming of their plan and made his trek toward the dangerous men. He let out a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever was to happen from this encounter, casually tucking his hands into his jean pockets.

Before the 3 gangs took their separate leaves, ready to carry out their carefully-plotted scheme, they stopped in their tracks to see a muscled figure approach from the alley they were walking down. Once his face could be seen, they were all on him in seconds, numerous sorts of weapons pointed at his vital organs and cornered him against the wall.

Derogatory insults were thrown his way in mutters as they dared him to beg for mercy before his painful death was gladly given to him. Instead of fear, he met their burning glares with a smirk, not at all thrown off by their hostile reactions which infuriated them even more.

"Going straight to the point, I see?", he chuckles but no one else is laughing. "What the hell are you doing here?", Jackson snarls. "And alone? That was a huge mistake", Rocky remarks. "What? Monsta X doesn't need your sorry ass in the group anymore?", Hoseok snickers. "No weapons either. He seems to have come in peace", Taehyung says, not believing the act one bit. 

"It's true, whether you believe me or not. But that is not why I came. It's clear you all care about Y/N dearly, especially since you would never work together if that weren't the case". "Quit stalling and get to the fucking point, why don't you?", Jaebum narrows his eyes at the man, jaw twitching in anger.

"We are going to get Y/N out, all you need to do is meet at XXX address and make sure she gets back home safely", Wonho states. "Wow, you're pretty bold to be giving us orders. Do you realize the situation you are in right now?", Namjoon scoffs in disbelief. "Plus, what makes you think we will listen, despite all the shit your gang has done to her?", Moonbin challenges, his grip on the gun in his hand tightening.

"You're right. We have caused so much of her pain and suffering for all these years. I understand your anger, I would hate myself too to be honest with you. So do what you want with me but I'm not lying when I say that I want to help Y/N and I wish for her to be happy again some day", Wonho said in whole truthfulness, even leaning his head back to allow them to strike at his neck if they wanted, closing his eyes and ready for his fate.

The others all were confused at this point and halted in their antics. Wonho's eyes opened as  the fiery presence stepped back and he was not cornered anymore. Astro's leader, MJ, grabbed the man by the throat with his surprisingly strong grip and pulled him close to his face, "If this ends up being a hoax, I promise you I will be back and make you regret it. No one will ever know you existed by the time I'd be finished with you, remember that", he hissed in such a voice that made a shiver go down that large man's spine.

He let go, Wonho massaging his now sore throat. "We'll finish what we started here ten fold, don't think we won't", Yugyeom warned before all 3 gangs left the man to stand on his own once more. "Sheesh, that was one heck of a talk", Wonho muttered while going back in the direction he came, casting one last glance behind him and disappearing from sight.

Back To Present- Y/N's POV

"This again", you force out as you are squeezed into a large group hug by the people who cherish you the most. After they let you go, you are pulled tightly into someone's arms only to be grabbed by another person and wrapped in their embrace. The first person, you identified as Taehyung made a noise of protest as you felt the other man rest his chin upon the top of your head. "Finally get to hug the actual you and not one of them", Yugyeom's pouty voice rumbled through the chest that was touching your back.

You rolled your eyes and started to get irritated as you were pulled from him and hugged by yet another person. You were feeling annoyed with the fact that these boys were just dragging you around like a doll. "I missed you so much, Noona", you heard his voice weaken and softened at that. Turning around to give him a proper hug, you send him a warm smile as he looks at you, tears pooling in his eyes and you quickly cup his cheeks, "It's okay, Sanha. I'm here now". He nods to you and gives you one more hug, one of longing, before wiping at his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

You face the three groups of people, looking into all of the fierce gang member's gazes and seeing the same emotion reflect back towards you: Relief and Joy. You are happy to be back with all the people you are have grown close to and show it through a wide toothed grin. Mark steps towards you and gets a better look at the state you are in, noticing all the bruises, blood, cuts, and dirt on you and you follow his gaze, your smile disappearing. 

His eyes darken as he growls, "I'll kill all those bastards". "Aish, look at what they did to you!", Jin exclaims, his brows furrowing in worry. "They'll fucking pay for that", Rocky snarls as his fists clench tighter to the point of his knuckles turning white. You squirm in discomfort as their eyes scan your injuries, the happiness in them morphing to concern and anger.

"I'd like to go home, please", you say as your head faces the ground. You couldn't stand seeing the pity that was held in their gazes and decided to focus on the more capturing dark asphalt that was cracked in some places on the street. There was a moment of silence as the boys stopped their varied plots of destroying Starship as they realized that you were now uncomfortable. "All right, let's go then Y/N-", you heard 3 voices sigh in unison.

You looked up to see Jaebum, Namjoon, and Myungjun all exchanging scrutinizing glares between one another. You groan as you realize what this means, your hands going to rub your temples before you look at them, "Well this is going to be a problem".


It sure is, Y/N, it sure is. Hey y'all I just wanted to let you know I am open to any ideas on how to make this story more engaging if yanno what I mean. Anyway, I guess we will find out how things will work out for the members next chapter, won't we? See ya then, bye-bye!!!

Song Name: Wake Me Up

Artist: B.A.P

"When things go wrong, don't go with them"
-Elvis Presley

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