Chapter 10

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As Y/N was hastening to get ready inside, the men who followed her there spread out to surround the house. More people arrived a few seconds later in a large SUV, one of them pulling out a rocket launcher from the trunk and beginning to load it.

Y/N is now ready and tries to sneak out from a different door on the house, but is seen by the group of men assigned to cover that side. They hasten themselves and close in to attack her.

Y/N is forced to drop the bag carrying all her necessities and start defending herself, using the weapons she has on her already on the guys who have just initiated their assault on her. 

This one vs all fight is soon cut short as the people who arrived in the SUV fail to warn the other's of this new plan appointed by their boss and fire the rocket from the large gun, so heavy it had to be held by 2 people. It goes straight towards the house and blows it up into smoke and flames as it reaches the intended target.

This blast either killed or severely injured those in range from the flying debris and threw the rest further away onto the ground.

Y/N takes this opportunity to depart from the scene, running towards her Jaguar she parked outside and make her getaway.

Unfortunately for her, some men who were far enough to not feel the effects of the blast at all saw her get into the car, quickly getting everyone else's attention and they begin shooting at her as she drives away.

They get back into their own vehicles to give chase, stilling firing bullets at her from the open windows as they do so.

Y/N eventually looses them, but not without paying the price of receiving damage to her car and her own body. Two bullets to herself: one grazing her side and the second hitting her lower right leg.

She also is later forced to ditch the new model after discovering a tracker was placed underneath the rear end of it, walking the rest of the way. Where to? I don't even think she herself knows.

Y/N manages to remove the bullet that pierced her leg and wraps her bleeding side with a piece of fabric she ripped off from her own flannel that she was wearing underneath a now soot covered white tank top.

She walks, very slightly limping since she has dealt with worse before and has learned to cover up physical pain well over the years, down the deserted streets as she enters a town.

She walks, very slightly limping since she has dealt with worse before and has learned to cover up physical pain well over the years, down the deserted streets as she enters a town

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Y/N becomes lost in thought as she begins trying to figure out where she can stay now. She doesn't want to bother any of her friends, GOT7 and burden them with her situation, she hates coming to the ones she is close with and would rather carry the weight on her shoulders alone, and who knows where Astro is now. She was pulled out of her pool of questions in her mind as a druken man stumbles his way over to her.

His words are slurred as he opens his mouth to speak, you turn away in disgust as the stench of alcohol is strong on his breath, "Hey babe, what are you doing out here all alone, hmm?" he chuckles in his intoxicated haze and begins touching her private areas.

Y/N curses herself for using almost all her energy back at the hideout, fighting those guys, getting away, and walking to an unknown destination so she can do nothing except feebly struggle as the asshole advances on her. At this time, one particular man decided to take a walk to get some fresh air in the same area where our protagonist is.

One Particular Man's POV

The silence was killing me back at the mansion and my insomnia kept me up so I decided to take a stroll outside to feel the chilly breeze on my pale skin. Something about the cold temperatures of the night made me relax.

I liked how it made me somewhat numb to the horrid acts my brothers and I commit almost every day. I mean it was nothing compared to what we went through before joining under Bighit, a not very well known gang company but later on its name is recognized as Bangtan became part of the top 5 most dangerous gangs in the world.

I lift my head as I hear a woman's voice, sounding rather irritated and see her pinned against a wall with some intoxicated guy feeling her up.

My blood starts to boil inside but I keep myself looking calm and collected on the outside as I stalk closer to him making myself heard, voice as sharp and cold as ice, "You know, it really gets on my nerves when dogs like you think they can do whatever the fuck they want with a woman..."


I watch as the man in front of me chuckles, hiccuping as he did so, and shifts his attention to the mysterious person who confronted him in the first place and I get a glimpse of the dude's face. I am a little shook right now because the look her had on his face was so cold I got goosebumps from how scary it was, and I am someone who doesn't get effected by things like this so easily.

The man daringly steps closer to the person while lowering himself down to face him and scowls, "Yah, you punk, mind your own business. Why don't you---" he is cut off as a forceful punch lands square across his jaw, so strong infact, that he blacks out from the impact, his body making a WHAM sound as it meets the concrete.

You raise your eyebrows in surprise, staring at the bigger and now unconscious man on the ground. Then you look back at the mystery person, who is now walking over to you.

You speak finally after you both sat there in silence for a few heartbeats, you voice turning a little hoarse, "You didn't have to get involved you know", but once you finished that sentence, your vision blurred and before the man could reply to your statement, your body was leaning to the left as you were about to fall and he rushed to catch you.

He looked down at your face, your eyes were closed, the beauty naturally decorating it causing his heart to skip a beat. He snapped out of the trance, letting out a deep sigh, and picking you up in his arms making his way back to the mansion.....


Oooo! I wonder who this mysterious man could be? I gave some hints as to who it may be, comment below if you figure out the person. Goodnight!

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