Chapter 38

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You've been at it for almost 10 minutes already, you decided to make it less boring by letting him push to your side more but kept the suspense up when you brought your hands back up to the middle. By now, the men around you were starting to notice how strong you really are and, remembering the promise if you won, some started to cheer for you.

A large group of boys in particular who kept to the far corner of the bar, uninterested in whatever was not their own business, talked amongst themselves. Only when some of the members heard your name being called out did they start to pay attention to what was happening.

The more they heard your name, the more they realized it really was you and they stood up and went over to the growing crowd.

You looked at Seok, seeing and feeling the exhaustion from him. That's when you finally decided to end it, putting a burst of power into your arm you moved closer and closer to his side.

The disbelief in his eyes only fueled your strength and you slammed his hand to his side of the table. His arm lay limp on the table and he stared at it blankly, deaf to the shouts of triumph and conquest directed towards you. You look at him and smirk, as if I would let him have anything from me, you sneered in your mind.

Everyone enjoyed their free drinks, payed for so generously by Seok who's squeals of pain could be heard from the private room in the bar.

For some reason, the bartender had spare waxing strips under the counter on his side you didn't ask why he had those and frankly you didn't want to know.

He gave them to the loser and he shamefully lowered his head as he went into the room. There were still some men who ignored and just couldn't accept the fact that a small woman like you could take down a man as built as Seok, so they challenged you as well and the contest continued. You beat them all, of course.

The boys who seemed to know you earlier neared you, faces showing how impressed they were at your robustness. "Nice job. You showed them, huh, Y/N?", one of them said and you whipped around. You raised an eyebrow at them.

You looked at them then the other boys behind him who were also looking at you and finally recognized who these people were. "Yeah, I sure as hell did", you agree. "It's been a while hasn't it, Taeyong?".

His mouth curves into a devious smirk as you remember him, "It has", he said. You looked back to regard the other members who were also present during the mission you did with Got7 but also blink twice at the new faces that were there, "So this is everyone in NCT, hmm?", you ask.

In response to your question someone walks up to you and grabs your hand, bringing it up to his face to kiss the back of it softly with his thick lips, "The name's Johnny. Pleasure to finally meet you", he says with a flirty glint in his eye.

You giggle at his dalliance and bring your hand back once he lets go, "And to you as well", you say. The members who you don't know yet introduce themselves afterwards and you join them as they go back to their spot.

Once everyone was well acquainted with one another, Taeyong brought up what has been on all of NCT's mind ever since they first heard about you, "So, Y/N..", he begins and you turn to look at him after quickly getting along with Ten, who you found out also spoke Thai.

You seemed to get along with the foreign members better since they were more comfortable with you who knew how to speak their native languages quite fluently. "The promise you made to us. You still remember that, right?", he asks to clarify. "I never forget promises I intend to keep", you say seriously and he acknowledges your words with a nod.

"With that in mind, then...", he trails off, the big bad gang leader seems to have a problem with forming his words and a pint tint dusts his cheeks as he tries to figure out what he wants to say next.

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