Chapter 25

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You took a deep breath, looking down at the tiny figures of people waving frantically to you below. You decided to face the other direction, back facing the colossal drop and heels just barely starting to hang off the edge. If you were going to jump, you were going to do it with grace. Raising your arms upwards, putting one hand on top of the other, you angled the tips of your fingers to curve backwards and began leaning back. Just to add a little extra, you did a back flip, feeling the wind hit your face and blow your long hair behind you as you quickly descended to the ground that was rapidly approaching you. A, "Woohoo!", was squeezed out of you as you felt the stretchy rope attached your harness yank you back up. One of the people below you, not as small as before now called out, "Awesome job, Y/N-Noona! I wanna go next!", and you could make out by the sound of his voice that it was Yugyeom.

You chuckled as you squinted your eyes you see his form rushing toward the structure you jumped from, ascending the stairs as you were lowered to the enormous, air-filled cushion. You mushed your face into the comfortable fabric as you suddenly felt super tired, the rush you felt earlier draining away from your body leaving only exhaustion to enter your bones.

"Come on, Y/N-ah. It's time to go", whispered a familiar voice in your ear. "Ah, Jaebummie, go away, lemme sleeep", you mumbled into the cushion and rolled away from him. "Y/N, you've got to get up, they need to take you out of your harness....please?", he hesitantly asked, partly not wanting to disturb you but manning up anyway. You rolled onto your back, eyes still closed, and unclipped yourself from the mechanism, throwing it somewhere to your right and scrunched up your face in defiance, "I'm not getting up", saying it in an obstinate tone. You didn't see it but the leader rolled his eyes, one of the corners of his mouth curving in a small grin for a moment, before bending down to pick you up.

You opened your arms to grant him easier access and internally smiled to yourself as this was a usual thing between you two that happened frequently in the past, you would get lazy and make Jaebum carry you whenever you didn't feel like moving. You decided to take advantage of this and took a short nap while in his arms, the warmth radiating from his chest lulling you to a light slumber.

By the time you woke up, you were in the car, Jinyoung on your left and Mark on the right. "So where are we going?", you asked, rolling your head around to pop the air bubbles in your neck that emitted the cracking sound quite like way people crack their knuckles. You snatched a quarter-emptied Venti Starbucks drink from the cup holder in front of you, identifying the flavor as java chip as you listened to the one driving answer, "Dropping you at home, I was kind of hoping you would still be asleep at least until we got there though...", he trailed off, meaning the last part for himself.

You stated firmly, after taking another sip from the drink, "Well I'm awake now and I am assuming that you were trying to do a mission without me so tell me what it is and lets start heading to the location, hmm?", Jaebum exhaled, knowing arguing with you would lead nowhere and made a U-turn, heading in the direction towards the assigned hotel that was given to them in a digital file on the computer they had in the car.

Jackson, whose Starbucks you drank from and kindly returned to after getting your wanted share from it, thought of something that changed all the boys worried feelings, "Hey, that means it will be like old times. Y/N joining us on our commissions were always successful, not saying we ever failed without her, well maybe that one time...., eh nevermind that, my point is she will perfect for this task anyway". They nodded thoughtfully at his remark, "Wow, Jackson, that is the first moderately smart thing I have heard you say ever", snickered Youngjae from the back. The blonde whipped his head to glare at him and began unbuckling his seatbelt, he was sitting in the passenger seat, to reach behind your row and smack the younger one upside his head for that comment.

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