Chapter 56

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Darkness. That was all I could see after throwing myself into the range of fire. All I knew was that I didn't want Shownu to get hurt, my body was moving on it's own but my intentions were true. Now here I was, floating in this empty void, completely and utterly alone.

Am I dead? Is this what the afterlife looks like?, I wondered to myself. Where is everyone? And suddenly, I wasn't floating anymore and my feet could finally touch solid ground. I had no idea where I was and before I could contemplate my setting any longer I was thrown backwards.

I opened my eyes and everything was now different.

I looked down and I was in a white flowy dress, barefoot. This land seemed very lively, there was grass growing and hills upon hills extending past the horizon so I was unable to see any further into the distance. I could hear the chirping of birds and the rush of water from a river nearby. Strangely, a comforting feeling washed over me, I felt happy to me be here and was curious to explore more of this place that I can only seem to identify as Paradise. I reveled in the satisfaction of curling my toes into the soft green grass underneath them and just as I was about to completely give myself over to staying in this amazing place, something opened behind me.

I turn around to see a circular rift, a window showing a different scene beyond it's edges. I walk closer to it, realizing there was something of a haze to my vision that was hypnotizing me into the overwhelming happiness that I was just feeling moments ago. It is a room, the walls are white and there are several monitors placed around the area. Numerous people with surgical masks on their faces and blue scrubs on are gathered around a certain patient. 

It is horrifyingly clear that this person is not doing very well since every moment one of the doctors pulls away will gauze soaked in crimson red blood to restock with new clean ones. As I lean in to get a closer look at the face of this suffering person, I start to feel pain in my back as I realize that person is me.

"Doctor Choi, she is loosing too much blood, she might not make it!"

"Nurse Jung and Nurse Han, I need you to get everything ready for an emergency surgery, we are losing time now go!"

"Poor child, she is young too..."

"I need more gauze over here!"

"Come on sweetie, you have friends waiting for you"

"Everything is up to her now"

The voices echoed in my ears and I remembered my boys. Yoongi, Jungkook, Moonbin, Sanha, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Kihyun, everyone was there before I ended up here. I wanted to save Shownu, I thought to myself. Now, they are all counting on me even in these counting seconds. I am running out of time.

Taking a glance back at paradise, which seemed to glow brighter as if wanting me to journey further into the realm, I knew I had to make a decision: stay here forever or go back and take a chance to stay alive.

And I'll be damned if I'm going to let a bullet wound take me out once and for all, I have been a fighter all my life and I most certainly will keep that title for as long as I can do so. It was like the portal knew my choice and opened wider, enough for me to go through. With a smile on my face, I never looked back and stepped back into my world.


Now it was a waiting game, after leaving Y/N in the hands of the hospital employees, the gangs were carefully escorted into the lobby by the front desk representatives. Those who were already there took one glance at the  disheveled men who were covered in dirt and blood, the glint of the weapons in their hands brought them to their feet and out the door in a flash, their dangerous aura sending the civilians back where they came in less than 3 seconds. However the said groups of boys could care less about anyone else besides the one girl who they brought here in the first place.

The light of day gradually leaves the windows of the hospital as time goes by but the occupants sitting in the entrance hall remain in constant distress which causes them to be restless. Several hours into it and some of the members are about ready to stand up and go see Y/N themselves but before they can do so, a single man comes out the emergency room doors and everyone is now standing and surrounding the newcomer.

The doctor takes a step back apprehensively, "Are you all here for Park Y/N?", he asks in a weak voice as his eyes dart around the faces looking at him through his glasses. They nod wordlessly at his question. There is a pause. His tone is skeptic, "And you are related to her....?" "Just tell us what happened!", Jb snaps impatiently. He flinches, "Y-yes, well", he looks at the clipboard in his shaking hands, "There was extreme amounts of blood coming out and internally from her body forcing the doctors to conduct an emergency surgery and I will admit for a moment we thought she would be lost. But fortunately, when hope seemed like it was lost, she pulled through and we were able to stabilize her condition. She certainly has a fighter's spirit....she will be okay", Everyone's shoulders droop as they allow the tense muscles there to relax after the good news.

"Uhm, we would like to keep her overnight to monitor her recovery just in case anything else happens", Doctor Moon gulps as their intense gazes focus back on him again. Shownu nods in approval, "That's fine". "Where is she?", Jungkook asks, eager to see her current state for himself. "You can find her in Room 11". They all begin walking down the hallway until the doctor pipes up once more, "Wait! You c-can't go in all at once!", he protests but shrinks back when they shoot their burning laser glares at him and continue searching for the number, nothing was going to keep them from seeing their adored Y/N any longer(I cringed after reading this sentence).


It's been a long while guys, but I'm back. Please let me know what you think about my story and feel free to send me private messages too if you want. See y'all next time, Peace!

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