Chapter 17

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The day went by slowly, not that it was a bad thing. It actually might of been the best one you have had in a while, ever since your parents died and everything went downhill from there. It seemed like the Bangtan Boys were the first rays of light that were starting to brighten your life, but enough about that, lets get back to what is happening now.

Y/N managed to hide the effects of her wounds that she acquired when she lost her final remnant of a home until the morning after what seemed like the moment her life was starting to possibly turn around.

Jimin's POV

Yesterday was so much fun, I think Y/N being there contributed to that. We haven't really made time to do things like that, being caught up in dealing with our rivals in close range and working on deals between gangs in other countries, leaving us too exhausted afterwards to want to do anything.

It was the morning after that day and I surprised myself by waking up early for the first time ever. It seemed like I wasn't the only one when a certain alluring scent came from the kitchen and I followed it there.

Jin hyung was cooking breakfast and I took a seat, happily waiting for him to finish, even offering to help him out with setting up the plates. I just felt like being a kind and helpful person today, I grasped in my mind as I thought to myself.

Soon the others joined us, some looking groggy in their pajamas but their eyes bright and awake, which was confusing.

As more time passed we realized that one particular person hadn't come down to eat, which was weird since we figured out over her stay with us that she is a HUGE food-lover.

Yoongi and I, he was the one who wanted to come, decided to go upstairs to wake her up, since she probably was tired from the long night before.

Third Person POV

Yoongi waits by the door while Jimin enters, even though they came to wake you up he found himself trying to be as silent as possible and opened the door in a way so that it made no sound when he moved it.

He glanced at the lump of blankets piled on the bed, which surely had you buried underneath somewhere, and cooed, "Y/n-ah, It's time to get uuuup. Come on, it's almost the afternoon already", but his happy attitude quickly disappeared when he approached your form, which hadn't moved at all at the sound of his voice.

Your back is facing him and his expression abruptly shifts to one purely of concern and worry when he gently turns you so he can see your face by grabbing your shoulders.

Your eyes are squeezed shut and a weak groan of discomfort escapes your pale lips as you are turned around, your face is scrunched up in distress as beads of sweat roll down your face and ragged breaths can clearly be heard from you.

Jimin POV

I put my hand to her forehead and cursed as my worries were confirmed, "Shit, she is burning up". I forgot that Yoongi hyung was waiting outside so I whipped around to face him when he came in after what seemed like an eternity of standing by the door to the grandpa, his face was set in a scowl as he was about to let my poor self feel his wrath for making him wait, which is something he really hates.

But once Yoongi hyung saw Y/N's current state, he raced to her side and pulled the blankets of her, trying to get rid of the heat radiators that he assumed would worsen your condition.

I took one last peek at her before speeding out of the room, back downstairs to where everyone else was. I ignored everyone's looks when I stumbled into the kitchen, my eyes searching only for one person in particular and my voice coming out in an alarming tone as I found him, "Jin hyung, it's Y/N, she has a high fever, you need to see her!" and he was already rushing past me as I finished my last words.

We came back to her room, with all the other boys following close behind us, all bursting inside to see Suga hyung staring at her.

No one's POV

Jin approached her and examined a newly discovered wound at the base of her right calf that Yoongi silently pointed out to him.

He sighed in uneasiness as he identified the problem, "It's become infected, she must of had this for a while and forgot to clean it. Now the virus has spread to her body." He pauses, him being caught in his thoughts before continuing, his voice now authoritative, "I need everyone to clear out. Jungkook take her to the infirmary while I gather my supplies to take care of the wound."

All the members listened without question to the eldest's orders, while they filed out of the room, Jungkook sweeping you up in his arms, being careful not to touch your injury in doing so. You didn't even wrap your arms around his neck to support yourself, as the sickness drained all energy from your body, so your head drooped backwards, making it seem like you were lifeless already. A gasp of shock left the maknae's mouth as he saw this and he quickened his pace as it didn't seem like you had much time left.

Jin being the mother of the group, he luckily decided to take some medical training while being a part of BTS, which became one of the unique skills that contributed to his gang being in the Top 5 as he became very good at it, reaching a doctor's level of knowledge in medicine.

After grabbing all the necessities of his, he went to the infirmary. Upon entering the white room, he told Jungkook to exit, leaving him with his patient and tools in his hands.

He began his work on the woman lying on the bed in front of him, praying in his head that she wasn't too far gone to be saved.

While the healer was left inside the confines of the infirmary to deal with Y/N, all his brothers were outside dealing with her sudden dilemma in their own ways.

The usual calm and composed member of the gang, Yoongi, is pacing restlessly back and forth on the tile floors of the living room. Sunshine Hoseok, who is always smiling, has lost his light is sitting in one of the chairs, staring blankly at the black screen of the TV in front of him. Even the leader, who would try and reassure his comrades with his meaningful words, has nothing to say with his head in his hands as he is situated on the couch with Jimin and Jungkook also there, distress clear on their faces.

Taehyung leans against the wall, his fingers massaging his temples, while his eyes are closed and he stays like that for a while before muttering to the others that he is going out, who don't even acknowledge his statement, and is out the front door in a flash.

After waiting forever in silence, which was staring to eat at the boy's sanity, Jin emerged from the room. Everyone jumped up, staring at the man expectantly and he finally spoke after meeting their eyes, "Y/N is....."


EH! STOP! Sorry guys but your gonna have to find out Y/N's fate next time. Have fun dealing with the suspense that I built up for you only to have it not go away and leave you to painfully wait for what happens until the future chapter, goodbye!

 Have fun dealing with the suspense that I built up for you only to have it not go away and leave you to painfully wait for what happens until the future chapter, goodbye!

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Song Name: To Me

Artist: GOT7

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."

-Alice Walker

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