Chapter 13

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He looked down at your seemingly peaceful face as your quiet,rhythmic breathing showed you were deep in dreamland. The corners of his mouth tipped upwards into a warm smile as he watched you. So cute, he thought  to himself.

His grin turned into a frown as he was getting ready to pick you up to take you to your room when he glared at Jimin as he muttered softly in his sleep at your feet, he moved to sit on the floor in front of you to watch the movie better in the beginning, and you were weirdly okay with that.

As the movie progressed, he drifted to sleep as you did, his back leaning against your leg and his head leaning far to the left but he hasn't fallen over yet.

The person who you feel asleep on rudely pushed Jimin over, his body flopping away from you and he groaned but didn't wake up then gently picked you up in his arms.

You adorably wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled into the crook of his neck, your breath tickling it and his cheeks reddening as you did so.

He arrived at your room and set you down in your bed, moving the blankets to tuck you in, but as he turned around to leave after making sure you needed nothing else you gripped his arm and he turned to look at you in surprise.

Your eyes were still closed and you mumbled his name, "Kookie..." His eyes widened when he heard you call him by a nickname and he continued to stare at you before you said something too low for him to hear, letting him go and turning over, going back to your dreaming snores.

He stayed there for a few heartbeats in confusion of your actions but eventually left to go in his room and sleep as well. You and Jungkook were the only ones to sleep in actual beds that night, everyone else falling asleep on the couch or floor in the living room downstairs.

They didn't even move the moment when Taehyung sneezed loud enough to echo throughout the whole house to ensure that it would wake anyone in range up, everyone was so tired they didn't even stir.


"Mhhhh, go awayyyy", you grumbled as you felt someone shaking you, not hard, and calling your name in a soft voice. "Y/N, it's Namjoon, I just wanted to let you know Jin made breakfast for all of us and wanted to know if you would like some of it. It is a simple one really, just scrambled eggs, bacon and---" You sat straight up when you heard that word, repeating it louder, "BACON!" and jumped out of bed, in the pajamas you changed into before watching the movie with all the boys last night, and began running to the kitchen in long strides, your excited shouts of your favorite meat ringing throughout the entire mansion.

 It is a simple one really, just scrambled eggs, bacon and---" You sat straight up when you heard that word, repeating it louder, "BACON!" and jumped out of bed, in the pajamas you changed into before watching the movie with all the boys last nigh...

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You stopped yelling as the mouthwatering smell of the bacon filled your nose as you neared the kitchen, breaking into a grin when you reached your destination and the food went in your line of sight.

You squealed, back hugging a certain broad-shouldered man from behind while he was finishing up the last plates for the maknaes, who were practically drooling as they watched him cook their soon-to-be meals, "Thanks, Jin oppa, you're the bestest cook ever!".

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