Chapter 32

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You sped up before you though they could slip away from you once more and saying an urgent but suppressed, "Yah!", grabbed on of the member's sleeves, who turned around to see you.

His eyes widened to saucers as he recognized your face right away, despite your shorter and colored hair, "Y/N!", which caused his brothers to stop and turn to make sure they heard what he said correctly. The oldest and most mature when it came to any situation, Myung Jun or MJ for short, dashed to the younger and held his shoulder, pulling him back to prevent his coming embrace towards you.

"Hold on, Moonbin. I know you are just as relieved and happy as I am to see her but now is not the time to stay and talk", he looked at his hyung letting his emotions make him hesitate.

You sighed, pushing down the rising questions and feelings with seeing your old friends and voice your agreement, "He's right", you glance at the others who have gathered closer to you in equal anticipation, "Let's meet outside towards the back of the building after everyone else has finished their performances".

You could see the longing in their eyes but they slowly nodded their heads in acceptance after looking at each other. You all stood there for few moments longer just letting your short reunion sink in before leaving to go back where they needed to go for the time being.


Everyone began their departure, returning to the vehicles they first arrived in and driving away. You stopped to change into regular clothes in one of the man dressing rooms of the large building while the boys waited for you just outside, they were already changed themselves.

As you were making your way towards the van that was waiting for you but hesitated when you remembered what you were going to do, your legs slowed to a stop while Yugyeom hopped in and Jimin followed shortly after him.

Hoseok was about to go inside as well until he heard you say under your breath, "Umm...", and went back to you. You were confused as to why you were growing nervous with your next statement. Hoseok looked at you worriedly as he saw you fiddling with your thumbs and not meeting his eyes, very unlike your usual self, "Y/N? What is it?".

Your lips set into a thin line and you reluctantly met his gaze, "Well, I just wanted to ask---, no, let you know that I am going to be hanging out with some old friends who I haven't seen in a long time so you can, uh, go on home without me", when he didn't respond right away you added, "I honestly don't know when I will be back but I know that it won't be that long so you guys won't have too worry too much about me".

His brows crinkled in growing dismay and he grabbed your shoulders, "Y/N, who are these people? I--we need to know who they are, they could be dangerous. Why do you want to do this all of a sudden? I don't like--", your anxiousness completely vanished and you cut him off abruptly, "Hey, first of all you are not my mother. Second of all, I am a grown woman and capable of handling myself thank you very much. Third of all I am going and I just wanted to tell you that but now I am regretting that decision so I am just going to end it here", you jerk away from his hands and turn on your heel to go in the direction leading to the back of the Performing Arts Center. 

This unexpected change in your mood caught Hoseok off guard and he was too shocked to retort to your declaration so he just silently followed you, quickly telling the driver to wait a little longer before dashing away in the same direction you left to.

He saw you hugging them tightly and realized that these men must mean a lot to you for you to be so soft towards them. He gasped when he took a closer look and recognized them as the missing gang, Astro, he didn't hear their names being announced before as he was too focused on practicing his group's dance.

He remembered there being an announcement posted on The Sewer, which was the term used to represent the underground computer program that was located in the deep web and could be seen by hackers of gangs, for a money reward to their live capture and return.

His eyes followed them as they led you into a car not far away and hear the rev of the engine as they started to drive off.

He wanted to follow you further but since he didn't want to aggravate you more by doing that and decided to trust you in this. But just as a precaution he dialed RM's number and at the least wanted to notify the rest of BTS of it and keep an eye on you from afar.


You leaned your head on Rocky's shoulder as Eunwoo drove through downtown Seoul, the bright colored lights from the passing buildings flashing before your eyes.

You let out a sigh of regret as your previous encounter with Hoseok played in your head. You didn't know yourself why you acted so weird and you felt guilty for reacting so harshly to the sunshine boy, you decided you would apologize to him whenever you got back to the house even though you don't usually do sincere acts like that.

You were brought back to reality when you felt Eunwoo turn the car and saw him heading towards a convenience store. "I need to pee, okay?", MJ said in a desperate voice as he notices your questioning expression through the rearview mirror of the passenger seat.

"I got nervous and drank too much water at the Performing Arts Center before we went out and I guess my bladder is paying the price", he whines and you roll your eyes playfully as he darts out the door, both hands on his crotch, making him move like a penguin would inside the establishment


Okay, I just want to bring up a serious issue right now. Things that were meant to be know to be done in the past long ago when black people were mistreated in the worst ways because of their skin color are still happening today. Whether you knew that already or not I don't care I just felt that it still needs to be brought up now, in a time where more can be done about it. Black is Beautiful and EVERYONE needs to understand that, shit that discriminates against that should be thrown out of people's mindsets for good. There is no reason whatsoever that explains why what I just stated is wrong because whoever thinks that is just as closed off and negative as the white americans before us who turned their hatred against minorities into physical and verbal violence and bring shame upon people who share the same looks as them today who no longer feel that way. Whatever can be done to help lessen the adversity that weighs on the so called, "different" people's shoulders in present day should be made reality now, as soon as possible or else things will fall to be as low as society was so many years ago. But this is not the only dilemma that still exists now and it will not be the last, that is why it is all the more crucial to make a stand to put a stop to all of it, the right way.

Song Name: Rain

Artist: BTS

"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today"

-Malcolm X

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