Chapter 41

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After everything calms down, well not really, BTS still isn't okay with Astro but they at least agreed to not reveal their appearance to their pursuers if they left immediately, "What a bunch of assholes", Jimin mutters as he watches them leave from the window, letting the curtain go back as he returned to his brothers, a scowl on his face.

Jin smacks his head lightly, "Yah, they are gone now. Just leave it that", he says and looks at the younger to make sure he listened. When his back is turned, Jimin rolls his eyes and changes the subject, "At least Y/N's back", he says.

"That must of sucked, all that stuff happening to her to add on to her hangover", Taehyung says as he plops down beside Jimin, his mouth forming into a pout as he thought about you in pain.

The others zone out as they think of her also, wordlessly nodding their heads to his statement. Suddenly Hoseok jumps up from the couch, making everyone snap out of their dazes and look at him questioningly.

Over the time you were away, his mood has been deflated and down and though he covered his sadness with a smile, his members could tell he wasn't okay and felt bad about how you two left things off so they watched on in curiosity when he walked to stand in front of them.

"Let's take care of her today. We'll bring her breakfast in bed, cure her hangover, and just let her relax today, how about it?", he said. He visibly started getting happier the more he continued on with his proposition and once he finished, his beaming grin was back on his face.

They looked at one another, forming smiles of their own as they thought about it and then turned back to him, "Let's do it!", they all say in unison and hurry to get everything ready.

They did what they said and took turns doing things for you while you recovered, making you all the more confused when you started to actually process their deeds after they left to go do them. It was Hoseok's turn, by this time you were fully awake and sat upright in your bed as he came in.

You glanced up at him from your phone that you were scrolling through the news on while playing music from the speaker that sat next to your bed. "I brought you some noodles", he smiled to you and you looked to see the instant cup ramen with "Fire Noodles", written in korean on the container and wooden chopsticks in his other hand.

"Thank you", you said faintly as you reached out to take it, breaking the chopsticks apart and peeling off the lid. The delicious aroma filled you nose and you anticipated the yummy taste when it entered your mouth but stopped when you couldn't take the guilty feeling that was building up deep down.

You set the cup on your nightstand and turned to face him, patting the space on your bed next to you, which he accepted silently as the bed dipped when he settled on the mattress.

You looked down at your hands folded in your lap. "Hobi, I--", you quickly closed your mouth and lowered your head even more, your hair falling over your face. A frown formed on the latter's face and he gently brought your face to look at him, immediately pulling you into a hug when he saw tears brimming your eyes.

This act only encouraged them further and he could feel the fabric of his shirt on the back of his shoulder dampen as you let out a sob. "I-I'm sorry for snapping at you. I d-don't know why I did that..", you say in a shaky voice and pull away from him, frantically wiping away your tears.

"You are such a nice person, all of you guys have been treating me so well and I realize now that I should be more grateful towards you", you look away from him feeling shameful. You feel his hands cup your face, "Y/N, It's okay. I forgive you, don't worry anymore, arasso?", he says to you and you just nod to him, giving a weak smile.

You reach back over to your cup, grabbing some of the noodles in your chopsticks and bringing it to his mouth, "Here, have some, It's the least I can do to thank you", and when he starts to move away to decline your offer.

You curse at yourself in your head as you bring out aegyo, you voice changing into one like a little girl, "Pleeease, Hobi??". He can't resist your cuteness and gives in, opening his mouth to slurp up the noodles. Some of the juice splatters onto your face since you were in close proximity to him and instead of getting angry you giggle and slurp up some yourself, leaning in closer to get some juice onto him.

Unfortunately, the spicy liquid lands in his eye and he let out a cry of pain at the burning sensation, being more dramatic and falling onto the floor, his hands covering his right eyeball. "Shit, my bad Hoseok!", you say as you hurry over to him.


3 days have passed since you returned and you are on your way to Art class, walking in the door and settling in your seat that was closest to the back.

You look over to Arianna's usual seat to find it empty as class begins which arises worry in you. Even though you stopped being friends with her, you still kept an eye on her from afar and normally she is in this class early, already having her supplies set up by the time you come into the classroom, ignoring you as usual.

You look around to see any sign of her being here at all, trying to assume she was late or something but not even her bag was there, meaning she hadn't even come to school.

As you think about the possible things that could of happened to her, trying to reassure yourself, Jooyoung strolls inside, pride in his steps and he gives you a smirk that seemed to be hiding something before sitting down.

You eyes narrow to slits as you glare at his back, his attention now focused on your teacher who started his short lesson to begin class.

Your ex-friend and roomate started getting closer to him and often times you would find them walking together to class like they were really close buddies. She did the one thing you asked her to stay away from but you couldn't do much to stop her without blowing your cover.

As the bell rang to signal the end of class, everyone started getting their things and going out the door. Your phone buzzed inside your pocket and you checked to see an attached video from an unknown number.

Plugging in your headphones, you played the video to see what it was about and your heart dropped when you saw Arianna chained up in a chair, a gag covering her mouth and her eyes squeezed shut as she cried silently.

A masked figure came up to her, bringing a knife close to her neck, drawing some blood as she panicked and tried moving as far away from them as possible. The person turned back to the camera and walked closer, pulling down the mask under their chin and you recognized her as Jennie.

"We took her once we realized the Key was a fake. If you don't want your friend to die, you will come and bring the real one to us. You'll know what's good for her, so you will come ALONE to xxx address".

She smiled evilly before waving at the camera, "See you there, Y/N!", and the video cut off with static.

Ripping the earbuds from your ears, you glanced around frantically for him and caught a flash of his black shirt he was wearing and went in the direction he went. You stretched your arm out and yanked the person backwards, pushing him against the wall.

He raised his hands up in surrender, "What the hell?!", he said and you let him go when you realized it wasn't Jooyoung.

You looked around once more, seeing his eyes staring at you from underneath a hat he had on before he disappeared from sight.

You run out of the campus, not caring at all about the test you would miss in your next two classes and call every member of BTS on your way back to their mansion telling them to go back because something happened before hanging up and moving onto the next contact. Oh Arianna...just hold on for a little longer please


Arianna has been captured by Y/N's enemy! What will happen now? I don't know, don't ask me. We can only wait....

Song Name: K.O

Artist: SF9(Y'all should watch the choreography video for this song, they got moves guys)

"When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars"

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