Chapter 14

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Jimin, becoming his perverted self, licked his lips and strolled over to you, his hand reaching over to your hips as he went to your side, "Wow, absolutely stunning I must say Y/N. My hyungs picked the perfect dress for you, I especially love the parts where I can see--" You were about to grab his arm and twist it behind his back but someone else beat you to it and his husky voice turned to one of a 5-year old girl whining in pain, "No touching you little horn-dog", he said to Jimin.

His eyes showed no remorse as he watched his younger brother writhe around a little longer before he pushed him away. "Wah, hyung! He is truly relentless!", Hoseok managed to say before going back to literally dying on the floor in laughter along with the other boys, poor Jin already in tears because it was too much for him, his windshield-laugh standing out from the boys' own.

You stared in shock before joining them in their amusement, you threw a grateful glance at Yoongi and he nodding to you in acknowledgement along with a gummy smile.

It quickly disappeared when they realized what they were dressed up for and Namjoon was the first to recover from the hysteria saying, "Okay guys we need to figure out who is going with who in their cars. First of all, who is Y/N going with?" They all were about to raise their hands in anticipation, Jungkook's voice ringing out the loudest, "She can ride with me!"

"Puh-lease! I am the best driver out of all of us, Y/N should ride with me instead!" Jin scoffed. Taehyung objected, "She should ride with someone she is more comfortable with, therefore I vote myself, let's go Y/N" "Stop right there Tae! I am the leader, Y/N is riding with me!" Namjoon came to interject.

You were fed up with them arguing and finally shouted in anger, stopping the words from coming out of their mouths, "SHUT UP! I am going with Yoongi and Hoseok and that is final!" Without waiting for them to reply, you grabbed their wrists, dragging them along with you out the door.

Yoongi took the driver's seat, Hoseok sitting in the passenger with a grin stuck on his face as he got in with you guys. Along the way, you guys actually had some fun, playing games with each other, Hoseok even getting the nerves to tease Yoongi until he threatened to throw him out the car with the hand the wasn't on the wheel if he didn't stop.

You guys finally arrived at the place and saw people entering, mostly men with girls who were dressed in clothing way more revealing then your own which made your face contort in disgust at what they could possibly be doing there.

(Ignore the fact that it is in a casino lol)

There were some pricey looking cars behind you and you were slightly surprised when they parked and 5 familiar figures came out of each of them

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There were some pricey looking cars behind you and you were slightly surprised when they parked and 5 familiar figures came out of each of them. "Damn, you guys might as well drive cars dipped in gold with diamond encrusted rims from the amount of money that has gone towards just one of those beasts, geez! Show-offs..."

They just grinned at you, proud of themselves for being able to afford the vehicles and you followed them, Hoseok and Yoongi right behind you while the others were at either side of you.

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