Chapter 8

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Here is a little backstory of Blackpink's time in Black Lupin: up until know you thought it had been rival gang members trying to infiltrate your company as there were some instances then where you or your coworkers found evidence of some places in the building being ransacked, whoever it was seeming as though they were desperately searching for top secret documents of Black Lupin to use to attack your weak points.

The witnesses to these events were completely mute at first and would be very paranoid the first few days but then before they were given time to speak to you about the incidents, they would mysteriously disappear.

Now you realized that your ex-teammates killed them and disposed of the bodies in a hidden spot. But you didn't loose hope of seeking revenge and you smirked evilly as you remembered Lisa saying that they found The Key when you knew that it was just a fake one you and your family set up long before they joined Black Lupin. They took the bait and you were going to unleash hell on them for sure once they realize how they fucked up.

Back to reality, you logged on to your computer and clicked on a new document that was in the file that contains all the news going on in your community, it is always up to date. You begin reading:

Date: 10/30/18

Report: Blackpink members announce the unfortunate suicide of Park Y/N(Her name changed to Scythe to those who weren't in Black Lupin and were reading this news, since the spies(Blackpink) decided to announce this to the whole gang association), shortly following the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Park. She allegedly shot herself in the head, the sadness of losing her parents along with the responsibilities of leading Black Lupin proving to be too much for her, her teammates later finding her body and quickly cremating it saying, "It's what she would of wanted".

You stop and think to yourself, That is bullshit, I know the others(at Black Lupin) wouldn't believe that crap, then moving on to read another page titled, "IMPORTANT NEWS" in hebrew(you could only read it because your grandparents ordered for everyone in Black Lupin to know it but stopped once your parents were satisfied with you and your brother memorizing it, only those who have been in Black Lupin for a long time know this) and your body becomes paralyzed in shock of the next sentences you automatically transcribe in your brain :

CAUTION: Only for eyes of staff and trusted members. DO NOT LET BLACKPINK FIND OUT

Report: Those who dared to stand in denial of Y/N's supposed death were shot and killed by Rose and Lisa. The group proceeded to threaten anyone else who went against them. Blackpink has now allied with Starship, merging the gang companies as one. They are monitoring our every move, Y/N if you are still out there please help us and come back, it's Luke. I am compromising myself just by putting this message out and will probably be dead if they find out, but this my last resort. I know everyone can probably take care of themselves, but deep down they are scared and need your leadership again. S.O.S.

End of Report

You let out a whimper as you see his name. Luke wasn't that much younger than you and was always a very joyful and caring person despite the kind of life he had before joining. Both of his parents were alcoholics and would abuse him whenever they got drunk, which was often. Anytime they weren't under the influence, they ignored his existence.

His family was also poor and he ran away one night when he couldn't take the darkness that was constantly nipping at his heels, threatening to engulf him if he remained with those monsters who were his mother and father.

That is the night my parents found him, wandering around aimlessly, barefoot on the streets and took him in to become part of the family that is Black Lupin. He was the one of the very few who were looked after by my parents as their own.

As he got older, he grew stronger and became very close to the best fighter in South Korea(you were known by that title that's why he got close), making his adopted parents proud. You taught him hacking skills, which explains how he made this letter.

Another file you open states some other significant material:

Report: The gang named Astro has disappeared from the radar after word spread of Scythe's Death. Companies in the vicinity or anywhere in South Korea keep any eye out for this 5 member group. Reward $2 Million if found alive.

You figured this notice was put up by the traitors themselves and was glad at least your brother's team got out in time, they were also your childhood friends(A/N: They were the ones I hinted at in the previous chapter just in case you didn't figure it out already😁).

After learning about so many disturbing facts all at once, you are kind of numb to feeling anything much right now. Shutting down your monitors, you leave your office into the training area. Then letting out a scream of frustration for everything that has happened, you fix yourself 2 shots of Sunset Rum and down them in two gulps at the mini bar that came in handy for these kind of situations.

You sit in one of the chairs at the table for a long time, contemplating what your next move is and after plotting your plan of vengeance, you go back up the stairs into your bedroom. You were out like a light as soon as your face landed on the wonderful memory foam pillow.


Wow, a lot happened while Y/N was in prison, what will she do to get her revenge on the ones who betrayed her? Guess we'll find out next time!

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