Chapter 6

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The next 4 days of being in prison you use to plan your escape. Today is the day you will execute your plan. You walk closer to the bars of your cell, looking over at the man on the other side who was guarding it and scanning him with your gaze. The surveillance in this particular prison wasn't very tight, making your plan easier to follow through. The guard was young and from what you observed, new to the job so you took the opportunity to swoon him.

"Excuse me, sir", you called in a voice soft as velvet. He turned to you, "What is it?", he asked, trying to sound intimidating and looking at you coldly. You touch your neck, smoothly clearing your throat, "I'm rather parched, do you happen to have any water to quench my thirst?", you ask in a rather seductive tone. You tilt your head downwards then look up at him through your long eyelashes.

The guard met your tempting eyes, his tough guy act immediately vanishing as he gulped, "O-of course, m-miss. I'll be right back", with that, he hurried away, coming back a few minutes later with a bottle of water.

You smirked as his arm came through the opening where they feed the prisoners from with the water in hand, "H-here you go", he was slightly panting and you realized he rushed to get the water for you, meaning your plan was working fairly well.

"Thank you. You are so kind...", as you grabbed the water from him, you let your fingers trail over his arm before slowly pulling away.

The man shivered at your touch, it sent his nerves on edge, and he looked at you with longing and desperation in his eyes. You looked back at him smirking, "You know, for doing this, I am willing to pay you back. Is there anything you would like from me?".

He licked his lips and glanced around before pulling the keys out of his pocket, unlocking your door, and quickly moving inside with you, closing it behind him. 

You giggled as he moved closer to you, letting him push you against the wall, "Oh, so this is what you wanted, hmm?", you whispered in his ear, licking and biting at his lobe as he groaned in pleasure and began kissing at your neck.

His hands began roaming your body and you pulled away to meet his face, him meeting to kiss your lips. You pushed him onto the bed in your cell and he looked up at you, expecting you to start taking off your clothes.

You straddled him and got closer to his face saying, "Sorry, but I'm not sticking around for what happens next...", you pulled back and he looked confused before your expression turned icy, striking the top of his head with your elbow and knocking him out.

"Men", you mumbled irritably as you got off him, taking off his clothes, replacing them with your own orange prison ones. Putting his uniform on, you checked the pockets, making sure the item was there as you felt the plastic and pulled out the key card.

The key card gets guards in and out of each sector of the prison, which you figured out from watching them the days you were forming your plan. You also found some handcuffs with the uniform, so you decided to cuff the man to the bed just for the fun of it. You open the door, locking it closed and proceed to exit the first sector, your own.

The door shuts automatically behind you, now being in the next sector. But, as you are almost to freedom, you stop as you hear one of the female prisoners whisper, "Scythe?" under her breath.

You turn to her as she said that, recognizing her face and glaring at her since she said that loud enough to catch the attention of the guards standing in front of the other cells around you. You sighed in agitation, preparing for the chaos about to erupt from this.....


Oh no! Y/N has been discovered by the prison guards as she is about to taste freedom. I wonder who was it that triggered this to happen? We'll find out next time, annyeong!

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