Ch. 3

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*???'s POV*

I shot awake and backed up into a wall...only to find that it wasn't a wall, it was a bedframe. I was underneath thick fluffy pink covers with soft pink pillows beneath me. Dear god the whole room was pink! Then I realized that I was now in the madman's house. 'Fuck!' I rolled out of the bed finding myself to be a little woozy still. I groaned and fell back. The comfort of the sheets almost dragged me back to sleep but I fought it. I can't go back to sleep. Especially in a place that is filled to the brim with that dreadful color.

I got up and marched towards the door in the front of the room, nearly stomping to keep myself up. I reached the door and held onto the knob. 'Just have to...get out of here...' I turned the knob and ran into something, or rather, someone.

It was the man of the hour. "Oh, good morning~"

I backed away from him and looked for something to use as a weapon.

"I've taken away your weapons my dear. There's nothing here for you to use as a weapon." I looked over to the bed and noticed the wood. The bed was like a bed made for a queen. And the wood was only holding up the canvas above. Without hesitating I kicked it and managed to break off a piece, grabbing hold of it and having it face him. "Ok...did not expect that I'll admit...But you can't be that strong right now, the drug should still be in, even if it is mild."

I felt another wave of exhaustion hit me but I didn't let him see. "Try me."

He closed the door and held out his arms. "Let's tango baby." It didn't even take him a minute to grab my wrist and to pry the weapon from my hand. In another second I was beneath him with my wrists pinned to the bedding which once again lured me to want to sleep. But I refused.

"L-Let me go," I demanded.

"And what if I don't want to~?" I struggled to get him off. "You sure talk big for someone like you..."

" did this to me."

"I'm sorry but I had to. You weren't giving me much of a choice."

"You...are a bastard."

He sighed and let me go. "And you...are a Rose." He looked over to me. "Is that even your name? Amber Rose?"

I glared at him. "I would never tell someone like you my name."

He shrugged and muttered something to himself. "Anyway, there's breakfast in the dining room if you're interested. I promise it isn't poisoned if you were wondering." He paused in the now open doorway. "I...would also change if I were you. I don't think going around in your underwear is a good idea...there's clothes in the closet."

When he left, I looked down to see I was indeed in my underwear with a flannel to cover my top part. It didn't really bother me that much but I knew I should at least be somewhat decent. It helps me focus if anything really and may help me get the want of sleep off of my mind.

I glanced over to the door next to the closet. I opened it to find it to be a bathroom. 'Maybe a shower would help too...'


*Wilford's POV*

I let my cheeks go red once I was outside of her door. 'She doesn't know what she does to me, does she.' I sighed and ruffled my locks as I heard her start up the shower. That Warfy stuff was probably making her loopy still. I did give her a high dosage admittedly but if that girl could still be sober after quite a few rounds of shots, who knows what she's had experience with in the past. Maybe she's just as crazy as I am to grow tolerant to the effects of drugs and poisons!

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