Ch. 11

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*Lily's POV*

I positioned myself to where I was wrapped around the pole. I bent my head forward and let the hair fall to my face. I absorbed the sounds around me: the music, the beat, the conversations, the soft 'clinks' of drinks colliding with counters and tables...I opened my eyes and began strutting around the pole.

I traveled around the pole, not really focusing on anyone in particular. You attract the fish first before you go in for a capture. After traveling around once or twice, I dipped backwards and swung myself around it swimmingly.

This wasn't my first pole dance I've done after all.

While I was training to better my skills, my fellow employees suggested that I try out dancing classes to 'fit in' more, since they noted that I had little to no skill in this area. And although every once in awhile I would still stiffen up-

I jumped and wrapped my legs around the pole, purposefully giving those around quite a sight down below as I spun around the pole with ease. A few men were now hollering in delight as I continued on with my little show, strutting, moving, throwing devilish looks here and there.

But what about the next victim you ask?

As I was nearing my finale, I looked over to him and saw him staring at me longingly, his eyes no longer focused on his associates. I sent a smirk his way as I dipped in his direction, showing off more of the black bra beneath the tank top and spun around some more, making the audience go wild!

I wrapped my right hand above my left one onto the pole, stuck my left leg on the pole and spun around it elegantly, keeping eye contact with the man, who was beginning to talk with another associate. I swung my hips a few more times in a daunting fashion and then finally, ended my little performance with a glorious split!

(A.N. *cough cough* Totally didn't use Heavy Rain and Mark's pole dancing videos as a reference *cough cough*)

There were hollers and shouts and others asking for an encore but as I was about to step off, I found that one of the bouncers were in front of me.

"Mr. Heisner would like to speak with you," he commented lowly.

Inside my mind, I was grinning. But on the outside, I put out an oblivious curious face for him. "Mr. Heisner?"

"Yeah, the boss of this here joint. You should be happy-few ever get to meet the big man." He began walking and I followed close behind.

I smiled at the man as he kept drinking in my figure. I tilted my head at him, letting the hair fall to the side of my head. "Hello there~"

He grinned at me. "Why hello there."


*Wilford's POV*

I stared as I saw her begin her little 'performance.' She was simply going around and around the beam on the podium as though it was her little play thing. She owned it just as she owned everything else in her wake...

Part of me wanted to look away but...the other side won as I saw her literally flip herself upwards and fall slowly to the ground with a grace that any other woman there would have loved to have! She was like an angel with the way she lit that stage...or maybe like a demon for the way she moved her body around...

Angel or demon, I wasn't focused on that as I saw more people begin to crowd around her. But she wasn't focused on any of them. No, I knew better than that. I scanned the area till I saw the man that we were after. There he was, sitting there like a dog in heat as he watched her go around and around on that pole. The way he stared at her-I wanted to beat his face in. Along with everyone else down there, no one should be staring at a lady like-

Target: Wilford Warfstacheحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن