Ch. 35

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*Wilford's POV*

Still no sign of her. The others have given up and Mark can't spend anymore time away from making videos without having a good excuse. I mean, he can't just tell his community, oh yeah, those egos I made up were actually my brothers and their friend, who is an assassin, is missing.

I understood that much.

Dark and Google on the other hand still didn't believe her. Google's trying to fix her watch of course to see if any of the phone calls she supposedly made were true but is taking his time with it, putting things like missions-...killings first.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I had been trying to look for any more info on the company but they kept everything behind lock and key. I chuckled to myself. This is why we just leave all the info finding to Google, he can dissect any page in seconds-


I looked over to the door quizzically. Who could be here?

Once again the knock came and I called, "Coming! Coming!"

The knocks came more frequently suddenly.

I growled and yelled, "I said I'm coming!!!" I finally reach the door and swing it open to see Anti there. Of course he'd knock on the door like that.

"Hey there Pinky! Man, it looks like you haven't slept in a week!"

I blinked boredly at him and asked, "What is it Anti? Dark nor Google are here and I doubt you need something with Mark."

He held his hands behind his back and tilted his head, pouting. "Awe, can't a friend just come by and say hello to his favorite man in suspenders?"

I rolled my eyes. "Is there something you need?"

He smirked. "Well, I think I can give you something you need."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

He hummed some before commenting, "I think I may have located where your girlfriend Lily is~"

I blinked. "R-Really?" He nodded. "O-Oh my-then-then we have to go!" I quickly closed the door behind me and walked to the car.

"Woah woah woah I never said it was going to be that easy! Don't you want to wait for everyone?"

I shook my head. "They...they don't care...To be honest, I'm actually surprised you were still even looking."

"Of course I would! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help out?"

We got into the car and I took off, following Anti's directions. I didn't even question about where he got the information or anything, I just assumed that his sources were correct. I could've never seen what was coming next.

We pulled up next to the building we were at the other day and we went inside. Anti showed me the back way in that he had recently found and we went to an elevator...but...this elevator had less buttons. "See, the other elevator is for the normal guys but this one actually leads to the higher floors. It's not really needed to go anywhere else! Otherwise, anyone could use it!" He snickered as he pressed a particular button.

As we went up, I asked, "D-Do you know if she's still alright??"

He shrugged. "My sources only told me where she is. I don't know if she's dead or alive or if she's barely making it. For all we know she can just be filled with maggots at this point and will be rotting away as we-"

"Anti." He looked over to me. "I-I would appreciate some hope right now..."

He snickered and punched me in the arm. "I'm just messing with you! I'm sure she's fine!"

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