Ch. 38

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*Time skip!*

*A few days later!*

*Wilford's POV*

It's been a few days since everything went down and my wound was already feeling much better than it was on the first night. I swear, I think Google made it more painful just because I didn't tell him OR Dark about where the hell I was going buuut, that's just my opinion.

Dark was still trying to get Anti to fess up why in the hell he did it (don't worry, I was able to get at least a good punch on the guy before Dark took him for himself). It was kind of strange how Dark wanted to be alone with Anti but he just claimed that the more distractions there were, the less focused Anti would be...but I don't think Dark has quite realized that Anti really loves that shock collar...


Mark has began working on a new project and has promised to take a break afterwards but after consistent pleading, we finally decided to put our hand in the project and meet some of his friends. It was actually quite funny to see most of their faces when they saw us but one actually recognized us: Tyler. He had apparently seen us a few times since Mark and him grew up with each other (either they had met in 3rd or in 4th but they still fight about it, Mark claiming he wasn't there till 4th grade but Tyler arguing that he was!) Not even Google can figure out when the hell we went to that school but he sure was working on it!

Ethan and Kathryn were wonderful people as well. They had their fair share with working with our brother and enjoyed him...most of the time haha.

And Amy was a lovely character to meet. Apparently she had already some sense of our existence as one time she saw our pictures on our mom's wall. I'm guessing she had just forgotten to put it away but y'know, it made me feel certainly happy.

And the project is going to be, "Who Killed Markiplier," which is going to have some sort of clue concept and he suggests it would play out better to have some old characters playing in it too! But as we keep discussing it, it's actually sounding like a story that could probably be developed if given time. But, that is for another time!

As for Lily...she and I have kept our distancing to a minimum. At this point we were always practically holding hands or being in the others company simply because we both wanted to and I couldn't be happier! She even said yes for going out on a date-tonight!

"But only if you really are feeling better. I'm not going to be ripping apart my dress just because you messed up your stitches over a bad fit!" she warned, in which I simply replied-

"Wait, you're wearing a dress??"

Her cheeks lit up with ease as she looked away and punched me in the arm. "Just be ready to go!"

I giggled as I waited downstairs for her, a bundle of pink and black roses in my hands along with some other flowers that held meanings that reflected mine completely...Not that she'd be interested in that sort of thing of course but it makes me smile to be able to know.

I heard the door open and close upstairs and I looked up to see...Oh my...

Down came the love of my life with a somewhat short pink dress with some black highlights here and there but mostly pink! From the way it opened up to her neck to the soft sleeves that hid her shoulders to even the little cone shaped bottom she resonated with beauty. Hell, even those black converse of hers seemed to have their own little get up in the whole thing. I didn't even notice my mouth was hanging open until she asked, "Is it alright? Your mouth is kind of open."

She began messing with her hair some as I fixed myself and approached her, taking her hand. "My love, you look...beautiful."

She blushed hard and looked away, smiling. "Uhm...thank you? You don't look quite bad fact..." She looked over to me and smirked as she recognized the clothing. "Are you wearing the same thing you wore to the bar?"

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