Ch. 4

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I parked the car a little ways away from the base just in case they did end up finding the car. My head was ringing slightly and begging me to hit the ground but I wasn't safe yet.

I walked towards the broken down building and entered.

I've been living here for about...3 months by now? I often moved so as to not get caught and to keep me on my toes. Moving was easy as I only held onto the essentials. No friends or family meant no gifts or useless articles to hold onto. And weapons and clothing can always be replaced.

In fact, I'll be needing to move soon since the 3rd month was coming to an end. It was supposed to be a gift to myself for my thousandth kill. A real nice place too.

I knelt down to a wall and pressed in on it. A panel opened up and I typed in 0314, the day that I first killed someone. Lovely day really.

A trap door opened up underneath me and I found myself sliding down to my base. "Weeeee!" I screeched. Then, I landed. 'Well, that should top off today's random feelings to be tried to have.'

I often had to force myself to try to be human just to practice really. I wasn't always the best 'flirt' or actress so I had to try and connect with others. Try.

I looked around but...something was off. My place often looked like a mess looked more of a mess. Like...something or someone was looking for something. 'Someone got in?!' I grabbed the gun to my right and checked for ammunition. Thankfully that was still there. I walked around, watching my surroundings like a hawk despite the other part wanting to let go. Everywhere was messed up and they even tore up my sleeping bag and clothing. Next to it, I found my computer, smashed to bits and a note laying on it. I flicked it open with my foot and looked it over.

'Randy, (my code name)

It has come to our attention that you could not complete the mission. We are going to destroy all of the evidence and with that evidence is you. We've taken out your base and now all that is left is your lovely self. So we will-'

I backed away and ran out, not bothering to read the rest. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!' I heard something ticking away and knew what it was. How had I not noticed it before?!

I slammed a part of the wall and opened up a secret staircase, then ran through.

I reached the top and looked for the crowbar...there wasn't a crowbar. Instead, another fucking note with something likely around 'Randy, I didn't believe you would be needing this'

I rammed my elbow against the doors above me. 'Come on, come on!!!'


*Wilford's POV*

"There!" We parked next to the broken vehicle but found no occupant. This part of town was run down with many old buildings scattered, almost a ghost town.

We got out of the car and looked around. "Google, take a geographical look on the area; see if there is anything out of the ordinary."

"On it." His eyes glowed a bright blue as he worked with a screen in front of him. I pointed to something that looked like a basement.

"There!" He closed the window and we walked in that direction.

We looked around in the rubble, finding no way to enter. "Where's the entrance?"

Google shrugged and began to scan the area.

Then, I heard banging from somewhere. "Google, quiet." He paused. There was another bang. "This way." We went towards the noise which was behind the building. Something was attempting to push open a door that had a lock and multiple cement blocks on it. I heard a grunt and recognized it to belong to a female's.

Target: Wilford WarfstacheWhere stories live. Discover now