Ch. 18

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*Lily's POV*

After some discussion with everyone, they felt like it was best just to wait it out until Anti got more information. It was fine though right? We didn't have some big company on our tails that have killed off the best assassins. We had all the time in the world because they could never find us! Everything is alright and the world is at peace, whoopdeedoo! ...

You can tell that I'm being sarcastic, right?

But...the others were being more optimistic. And by others, I meant Wilford. "LILY!!!"

I held my head and muttered to myself-"Oh god what now"-as I opened the door to the pink-stached man. "What?"

He was jumping up and down as he grabbed my hand. "Come on! We're going to play a game!!!"

He pulled forward as I tried to regain my hand back. "Whoa, do I have a say in this???"

He grinned and shook his head, beginning to pull me forward and down the stairs, I trying not to trip. Not that my life held all that much meaning to me but I at least wanted to die from an intense fight or even by my worst enemy-not from falling down a staircase just to play some game with a madman. Doesn't seem fitting for an assassin...

Anyway, he brought me down and the others were already holding these weird black objects with buttons and some protruding...sticks? I couldn't tell but I think these were mostly used by people that were gamers-wait.

He sat me down and handed me one of those objects. "W-Wait-" I tried to object but he pushed me back down.

"No you are not hanging out in your room all day!" Wilford stated, taking an object for himself and pressing the 'X' in the middle of it. He glanced at me and pressed my 'X.' "You're not gonna get away with not playing either," he muttered.

"But, Wilford-" I tried again.

But once again, I was interrupted. "Lily, just play a round. He doesn't take 'no' for an answer," Dark interjected.

"Y-Yes, he will do an-anything to get you to do what he w-wants," Google muttered knowingly.

"I get that but-" Then, the TV had a new screen pop up and it read 'Grand Theft Auto 5' with a few unruly things that you'd probably think would be in an intense action movie of sorts. They quickly scrolled to 'Multiplayer' and continued trying to get things situated.

I stared blankly as 4 screens began to divide each other. In three of the screens, the characters were changing, along with their clothing. The fourth one was just there, looking around mildly.

Wilford nudged my shoulder. "Are you going to pick something?" he asked, looking at the fourth unmoving screen. "You don't have to but make sure to press 'A' throughout to confirm."

I nodded and looked on the object before locating a green 'A.' I pressed down on it and saw a selection for part of the person was made. I continued all the way until it asked for confirmation, which I just decided to give another 'A' to. But then it went backwards.

Confused, I clicked 'A' again and the same question came up. I pressed 'A' and I was brought back. I growled slightly at this. 'Wilford said to press A to confirm and I am. I don't understand.'

I pressed 'A' multiple time, feeling my face getting slightly heated in anger.

I didn't notice this until Dark asked, "Um, everything alright?"

I looked at the other screens and saw they had successfully confirmed. My eye twitched lightly. "I'm trying to confirm but it keeps bringing me backwards," I growled, now pressing 'A' faster.

Target: Wilford WarfstacheМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя