Ch. 12

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Fan Art:

*Lily's POV*

"...I'm sorry, friend?!?" I asked, completely confused.

I saw the man was now up as Wilford handed the knife back, keeping a steady hand on my shoulder so I wouldn't attack this man.

He had dark green hair, a black t-shirt and some accompanying black jeans. He also had a few lined red tattoos around his body, scattered almost and looked something like blood but obviously wasn't. He grinned at me. "Hello there~"

"..." I backed away and more into Wilford's grip. "Who the hell are you?"

"Lily, this is Anti, Anti, this is Lily, a new member of the group," Google introduced.

He groaned. "Awe, so I can't kill her off then?" he asked, annoyed as he looked over his knife and began lining it.

"No, you can't," Google stated clearly. "She's in my system now too so if you try to kill her..." His eyes turned a bright red. "We're going to have a problem."

Anti rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll just tell the dude I couldn't do it, man, what a pain."

I was still confused. "Wait wait, so you're a friend now?"

Anti shrugged. "Consider me to be an ally to your firm as in if I need help, you all scratch my back and if you all need help, I scratch yours."

"...And right now you're scratching our back by not killing me off?"

He nods. "You're getting it! Although I must admit, you would've been a fun one to kill off," he commented, grinning. "I was actually excited~"

I could feel Wilford pull me close to him as I turned my hands into fists. "Don't listen to him, he's just full of bull-hockey..." Wilford commented lowly.

I growled at him as he simply kept grinning. "I promise, eventually he grows on you," Dark commented, shaking his head.

Anti nodded. "And I can't wait to get to know you more lass~"

I felt Wilford's grip tighten on me but before I could ask, Google asked, "Who sent you after her?"

Anti shrugged. "Some guy named Kevin, you know they never give me their full name...if they're smart," he commented, winking.

"And how did they know that she would be here?"

Anti shrugged. "Hell if I know, they just said she'd likely be down here..."

I raised an eyebrow. "But, how would they even know about this?...Unless..." I grabbed out the papers I took from the man in the room and reviewed over them. These papers were definitely about me...

I scanned over a few parts:

'Subject: Lily Mason...

Currently working with the Iplier crew...

Need her dead...

Should be on way to kill Jone Heisner...

Description as follows...

If failure to kill her prior, then have someone waiting down below and above...

She needs to die.'

I blinked at this. I didn't know whether I should be feeling something but right now, I knew we should get out of there. "Guys, we need to go, now."

"What's the matter? The threat was-" Google began.

"I have a weird feeling about all this, I'll explain later!" I began picking up the pace as we made our way to the exit. Already in the front police officers were swarming the place but we made our way to our car with ease and took off, Anti heading over to meet us in his own motorcycle.

Target: Wilford WarfstacheWhere stories live. Discover now