Ch. 16

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*Lily's POV*

I laid there in my bed wondering what I could do. I couldn't sleep to be honest. I woke up at some point of the day and found myself unable to convince myself that I had the potential of sleeping in darkness once more.

I sighed and sat up. I knew the others would probably not be up for a while considering it was 4 in the morning...

I got up from the bed and changed into some day to day clothing before exiting the room.

The halls were darkened now because the presence of light wasn't there. But it was fine-I could see well enough in any other day to day situation in this darkness. It happened every so often I would be in a darker than normal place that my eyes needed to adjust quickly to defend myself. My body did well for itself in some ways...

I walked through the hall and down the stairs with ease, my way down now being lit up by the mild light of the outside world. The moon and stars held some job to this situation.

I finally got all the way down and looked around. 'Well...this would be a good time to try and get a feel of the place, huh?'

I walked around a bit getting to know locations like the kitchen and a couple of others room down there besides Mark's recording room. There was another place that was another office space sort of deal and then this room that had one couch and a bunch of computers set up on one side of the room with associating cameras. 'Geez, why so many computers? Must've been a hassle to put in...' I closed the door and continued to look around.

It was pretty average actually. Nothing really, I don't know, strange.

I bumped into the bookshelf, causing a book to fall. "Shit." I quickly picked it up and was about to place it back when I saw, right next to it, there was an out of place book. Mostly because there weren't any seen words where a summary would be and actually looked a little off in general.

I placed the book back and slowly pulled the other one, only to hear a small 'click' and then stepped back to see the bookcase turn sideways to a secret staircase.

I smirked to myself as I let myself in, picking up a conveniently lit candle.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard the bookcase closing but wasn't really bothered. If there was a way in then there was a way out likely.

I reached the bottom of the staircase to a dark room. I felt around for a light and found a switch. I flipped it on and the lights flickered on-along with a few other things.

All around me there was a variety of set ups that spurred to life. A gun range with moving mannequins and paper figures, a place where you could practice hand to hand combat, and a few other things too.

I whistled and walked around. "Wow...I never even thought to make a set up like this..."

"Well, we have to have somewhere to practice."

I turned on my heel and saw Wilford at the top of the stairs in-... "Um...Wilford? What are you...wearing?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I held my head and sighed. "Why in the world are you wearing a 'Hello Kitty' nightgown?"

There before me stood a man, if you can even consider him to be one at this point, standing in a pair of pink pajama pants and a shirt that was covered in the 'Hello Kitty' trademark and the word 'Love' written across his chest.

He frowned slightly and looked down on it. "It's not bad, is it?"

Something like a laugh was trying to escape from my lips but I held it in. "For you? Maybe not at this point...but don't you have anything remotely manly?"

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