Ch. 29

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*Lily's POV*

"...Something more?"

I shrugged. "Because of the way I was raised and my mental thought process, I was always ahead in some ways compared to others. I didn't need anyone really. Sometimes my grades would suffer for it when I didn't do group work but really and truly, I felt I could be on my own. Not needing anyone...

"Then, when I finally graduated and went to college, I was faced with needing to choose a career. But, nothing caught my interest as I had never really invested time in anything besides routine because, what was the point? Anyway-

"While I was there, I saw what turned out to be an abduction case. Someone was taking students-female students-from the campus..."

"I'm guessing you found out who?" he asked cautiously.

I nodded. "And so, I took action."

"It didn't seem right to you to try and alert the authorities or something?" he asked jokingly.

I shook my head. "Call it instinct but...I felt that I had to do it...I...I wanted to see if I could feel something from it..." I paused. "So, I dressed up, took a knife I had gone and bought myself a while back and waited. We met, talked, he took me to the place and before he had a chance, I took him from behind and sliced open his neck." I looked at my hands. "It was so easy to kill him Wilford. It was like slicing through butter practically and...seeing the light fade from his eyes, his breathing slowing, the blood flowing from just...made me feel like I could do something. Something others may not have been able to do because they held onto their emotions." I felt myself rambling and I shook away the rest of it. "A-Anyway, as I was saying-I ended up getting the women saved. But then I began to wonder if there was a job in it. The more obvious ones that came up to my advisor were the FBI, CIA, military, etc. So, I tried out these different things..."

"But there was more than what you wanted, correct?" he asked softly.

I nodded. "And often times we wouldn't get anything and they wouldn't let me kill anyone! It was so stupid-"

"So how did you come to this?"

I paused at this question. "There assassin we had brought in for questioning at one point. I had heard about them often but never actually saw one. Since I was available, they sent me in for questioning...but...I felt a weird connection to them." I felt his eyes on me as I continued. "Something about them...the way they talked...the way they acted..." I looked up to him. "The way they looked at me...It was like they were trying to see through me...something I had done multiple times in the past..."

*the past*

I stared at the man there who was just staring at me. For some reason, I felt...drawn to him. Like...I felt he knew me. Somehow, someway, he just...knew. He knew something was wrong with me and...

He chuckled and looked down. "Am I being a bit too much for you dearie? Do you need someone to come and take your place?"

I blinked and tried to shake it away but...the feeling was still there.

As I tried to continue conducting the interview, they said, "There's something different about you...You don't really want to be here, do you?" I must've have made some face because he just laughed and muttered, "I knew it...You're not like the fact, I'm even having a hard time reading you myself." He kept staring at me as if staring at me would make me crack but, what could he possibly find out that I- "You want something more than what they are giving you, correct?"

I stared at him, confused. "Wh-What do you-"

He held up a hand, pausing the audio and nodded over to the camera. He muttered, "Can you take that out of the case my dear?"

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