Ch. 8

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Fan Art:

*Lily's POV*

"Already???" Wilford groaned.

"Wil, this isn't uncommon," Dark commented, stabbing into his eggs to bring up with ease.

Wilford continued to grumble as I heard a faint 'ding!'and I check the watch. On it was the next 'mission' along with some information. It made me wonder why it didn't ring last time but I let it slide. On it it read:

'Subject: Manny Brement

Location & Time: Benny Heights from 8 A.M.-5 PM

Grillby's from 6 P.M.-8 P.M.

Home from 9 P.M.-12 A.M.

Old building from 1 A.M.-4 A.M.'

I didn't bother reading much of the rest as I inspected closer at the 'old building' part. 'I wonder if he has a little secret he's keeping from the Misses...' It wouldn't have been the first time seeing this of course as most men who are tracked are a part of something higher than a normal day-to-day life. And it seemed that this 'Brement' person was no exception.

I exited the file and went back to eating the food in front of me. "Shouldn't be too hard to complete," I remarked.

"Oh really?" Dark questioned lightly, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and looked down to my food again. "Well...if that's the case then you and Wilford should go do it."

I choked on my food temporarily before getting it through correctly. I swallowed and looked back up to him. "You're kidding, right?"

"Well, if it's an easy job then less people should have to go and, being that I don't quite trust you won't run on us, Wilford is there to make sure you keep with your side of the deal," he explained rather calmly, taking a couple of swigs of his coffee. "Besides, Google and I have some business to attend to so if you two could do it in our place it would help immensely."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright alright..." 'I guess I'll go with the imp.'

I glanced over to him and he seemed to be...grinning. At his food. '...Yep. Definitely insane.'


*Time Skip!*

"You are aware that I can drive, right?" I asked as we settled into the car, Wilford taking the wheel.

"Yes I am perfectly aware of your driving skills but on our way to missions, I can't have you turning against me and taking off with the car," Wilford commented as he pulled out.

"Uh huh..." I groaned and laid my head back against the seat. "How long will it take to trust me?"

"It'll take as long as you keep trying to kill me..." he grumbled.

I sat up. "Hey that was your fault!"

"Who else would be doing that to you???"

"There have been-...cases."

"Name one."

'Well, there was that one pedestrian who had thought they had developed 'relations' with me...but that's not an example.' I groaned and he laughed.

"Come on, you have to loosen up a bit!" he exclaimed. Then, he began to put his hand over to me and...wiggle his fingers on my stomach.

I stared at the fingers and they tried going faster and prodding more. "...What are you doing?"

Target: Wilford WarfstacheWhere stories live. Discover now