Ch. 19

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*Lily's POV*

You know that saying that anyone could change if given the chance? That no matter the circumstance we could always connect with one another in some way because we're all human. We all share the same mind, same skin, same heart...

Well...what if you simply couldn't change? What if your brain was somehow altered to where it would never actually fit in with society no matter how hard you tried?

...Well...that was the case for five year old Lily Mason.

Whenever I was younger, I told you that I lived in an orphanage, correct?...Well, maybe I more told myself because who is actually listening...Anyway-

There had to be a reason I was sent there, right? A way that I managed to get myself in that situation...maybe you're not ready for that...

I saw the image of the pair of eyes in the sky from my dream...maybe I'm not ready for that...

While I was at the orphanage though, they took me to get counseled but, as they saw I was responding less and less with how a normal child should be responding in times of trauma, they decided to search for medical help...and that's when they found the problem.

I remember each detail of the doctor's face as he sat down in front of me on his little wheely chair. He seemed to be...sad if I could say that. That he was really saddened by whatever results he was about to give me and my caretakers.

...He said that there was a part of my brain that was underdeveloped. More specifically-the part where I was to connect with my emotions and have more of a handle on my social skills. Being from the family I was, I was able to understand most of what he said...but still things stuck out.

He showed us the pictures, showing a healthy brain and then my own brain, pointing at which lobe he was most concerned about. He said that he's had patients in the past be able to work through it but...that case hasn't been really researched enough to guarantee it for myself.

I remember after we had left the doctors, one of the ladies that worked there took me aside and told me, "Do not let this inhibit you. Think of it more as a barrier that can be conquered with the grace of God by your side. With Him, anything is possible!"

I think she was a very ambitious lady. She was always saying things like that...but you know, it didn't help her when she got murdered-I'm sorry-'passed away in her sleep' a pool of blood.

But of course, instead of being able to keep my condition to myself, people around me slowly began to get the information that somehow I was different. That something was wrong with me. They would ignore me, sit elsewhere during lunch, grow a safe distance from 'that freak'. It was fine though-most of those kids weren't going anywhere anytime soon and so that meant that if I had really wanted to, I could've tortured them for days on end...

But then, as this was noticed by my caretakers, they sent me off to go to a normal public school. And from there, I grew up within the orphanage till I reached of age, went to college, and you know where that ends. little issue never left me.

I couldn't even feel angered or sad about the way the kids treated me all those years. I couldn't cry over the death of one of the caretakers. I couldn't take joy in anything I did... I mean, I even had to kill to see if something would click!

...But even then, killing can only satisfy one for so long before it becomes another task, right?...I don't know what that man thinks of me...I don't know what he sees in me that he feels deserves to be around their crew...

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