Ch. 31

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*Lily's POV*

Dark asked if I wanted to be taught a thing or two in combat, commenting about how most of the men I took down were just killed off immediately by bullets rather than anything else. "You aren't always going to have a gun on you so you need to work on getting enemies down in other ways."

I mean, I get it and all but at the very least it would help get my mind off of...him.

He had tried talking to me again in the morning but I was still hesitant. Something about him brought the flies back in my stomach. I felt if I were to stick around him surely the flies would begin eating me from the inside out-something I would very much not like to experience.

I waited for Dark in the training area. It was quiet.

I took out my knife and looked down at it. Wasn't anything special-just a pocket knife of sorts. Had gotten it a few years ago. Hasn't really let me down. Kind of like Wilford...


I felt the blade of a knife against my neck and I paused. "You weren't paying attention," Dark muttered, chuckling as he pulled away and tapping the top of my head.

I turned over to him. "I didn't even hear you..."

He nodded. "Yeah-a little something I learned from Anti a while back," he commented, chuckling.

I shook my head and laughed. "Figured-I recognized it from the first time I met him."

He nodded, smirking. "That Anti-always has something up his sleeve. He's a little off, yes, but he's good at what he does."

I nodded. "Seems like it...anyway, will this do?" I brandished my knife.

He held his hand out and I handed it to him. He looked over it, nodding. "I had one of these once. Then I got a bit of an upgrade." He tossed it back and I looked over it.

He pulled out his knife and handed it over. I looked over it. "An SOG seal pup elite. One of the best knives out there to have."

I lined my finger around the black blade lightly. "It's quite a beauty."

He nodded, taking it back from me. "Anti has good taste admittedly," he commented.

I raised an eyebrow. "Anti got you that?"

He placed it back in the holster. "Yup. One year, Mark and his brother wanted to do a 'Secret Santa' or whatever and, since I couldn't refuse, we got into it. I had gotten Anti and he had gotten me. We tried to get each other some useful gifts so I gave him an US Marine Corp tactical knife and he got me this." He chuckled mildly. "You should've seen the way his face lit up after receiving it!"

I smiled softly at this. He seemed to think very fondly of Anti...

I chuckled some and he offered a raised eyebrow. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, it just seems that you two are close is all."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just like you and Wilford aye?"

My cheeks heated and I tried to laugh it off. "Haha, wh-what do you mean by that??"

He shrugged it off. "Oh-nothing at all." He went onto the course but I had a feeling he knew something. Just how much he knew though was the question.

He got in front of me. "Alright, get in position."

I got into position, bending my legs some and holding my knife out.

He went around me and studied me. "Yeah, you don't use this too often do you?"

I chuckled mildly. "Is it that bad?"

Target: Wilford WarfstacheМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя