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"Why am I here," I ask. He chuckles. "What is so funny," I ask. He keeps chuckling. I finally get tired of it and grab a stick from the ground. I push up against the tree near by. He finally says something,"you've got fire, I like fire." I push away sort of insulted. "What do you mean by that," I pondered. "Not by your powers, by your strength," he responded, "your very beautiful". I blush, but then I ask,"how'd you know about my fire powers". "I know everything,"he responds. Then,he comes over and grabs me by the waist. He does something that surprises me. He kissed me. I felt fireworks. It got very passionate.

Stop what your doing. Your kissing the devil

I didn't think so. He was very charming and I could say I was in love.

"I need to tell you something first," he says breaking the kiss. I was disappointed. "Your mother is the evil queen. Your father is Captain Hook. They don't know who you are," he tells me. I start to tear up. My mother doesn't even know who I am. "It's okay. You have me now. I will love you forever. You can be my first lost girl," he cheers me up,"you need to meet the lost boys". I didn't think there was any more people on the island. Peter yells, "come out boys. we have a new friend". About 15 boys walked out and stared at me.

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